Highlights from Monday, 19 March 2001
Opening Plenary:
the opening day of the second meeting of the Experts' Panel on
Access and Benefit-Sharing under the Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD), delegates met in Plenary to hear opening remarks
and address organizational matters. Presentations were then
delivered on: assessment of user and provider experience in access
to genetic resources and benefit-sharing (ABS); identification of
approaches to involvement of stakeholders in ABS; and
complementary options to address ABS in the CBD. Later in the
afternoon, delegates met in two working groups to consider user
and provider experiences, and approaches to stakeholder
Editor's Note: As a matter of policy, the Earth
Negotiations Bulletin does not directly attribute statements in
informal discussions when requested to do so.
Above photo: The dias during opening plenary.
CBD Executive Secretary Hamdallah Zedan opened the meeting and
proposed, with the Panel's agreement, retaining the officers
from the first Experts' Panel held in Costa Rica, including
Co-Chairs Jorge Cabrera Medaglia (Costa Rica) and Martin
Girsberger (Switzerland) and Rapporteur Maureen Wolfson (South
to Hamdallah Zedan's opening statement
Hamdallah Zedan thanked the government of
Switzerland for financial support. He outlined the Panel's
establishment and activities, and noted that this meeting's
report would be submitted to the ad hoc open-ended working
group on ABS, meeting in October 2001 in Bonn to develop
guidelines and approaches for assisting Parties and stakeholders
on ABS matters.
Co-Chair Jorge Cabrera Medaglia (Costa Rica) welcomed
participants and stressed their collective responsibility to
produce a successful report.
to Jorge Cabrera Medaglia's opening statement
Sally Petherbridge
(Australia) described Australia's relevant national
legislation and a Commonwealth Public Inquiry on access to
biological resources, noting efforts to develop a nationally
consistent approach at the federal and state levels. She outlined
inadequacies in federal natural resource legislation regarding
access issues, particularly benefit-sharing considerations. She
highlighted a scheme for access permits and benefit-sharing
contracts and reviewed findings from the Commonwealth inquiry,
underlining needs for simplicity, accessibility, efficiency, model
contracts, clear authority, public input, accountability and
recognition of monetary and non-monetary benefits. She then
noted case examples of ABS in federal territories and future steps
for legislative developments at the federal level.
to Sally Petherbridge's presentation
Zapata Ferrufino (Bolivia) discussed implementation of Decision 391 of the
Andean Pact and inclusion of ABS in the Bolivian National
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP). Decision 391 was
adopted in 1997 and provides the foundation for a framework
regulating access to genetic resources in Bolivia. She outlined
the context, scope, relevant actors and institutional framework of
the decision, noting four requests for access and one contract
granted. She also presented the components of the national action
plan, with the objectives of conservation and sustainable
development, and noted development of the Andean region's economic
potential through ensuring benefit-sharing and empowerment of
actors. She stressed the need to better define property rights and
rights on traditional knowledge.
to Beatriz Zapata Ferrufino's presentation
R. H. Khwaja (India) overviewed ABS in India, in the context
of its NBSAP. He outlined features of the Biological Diversity
Bill 2000, addressing access to genetic resources by foreign
individuals or companies. He then referenced other national
experiences, including: traditional knowledge networks and their
use by the formal sector with prior informed consent (PIC); the
National Innovation Foundation recognizing creativity at the
grassroots level; and the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library,
aiming to prevent patenting of the traditional uses of medicinal
plants, by placing them in the public domain.
to Shri R. H. Khwaja's presentation
WG-I shared user and provider experiences and identified elements
for guidelines to assist ABS regimes. Many experts highlighted
national experiences related to: different levels of jurisdiction
and sectoral legislation in federal states; lack of information
regarding IPR issues; the need to develop government awareness and
societal consensus; traditional knowledge databases;
identification of stakeholders and beneficiaries; community
permission for access; resolution of conflicts over mutually
agreed terms; and establishment of trust funds.
Left photo: The dias of WG1 Chaired by L.V. Kalakoutskii
(2nd from Left)
WG-II addressed identification of approaches for
involvement of stakeholders in ABS processes, referencing document
UNEP/CBD/ EP-ABS/2/2. Participants distinguished among users,
providers and protectors of genetic resources, as well as among
those with specific rights or direct involvement (e.g. national
competent authorities, industry, local stakeholders) and those with
a more general interest (e.g. NGOs). Experts suggested use of such
categories to differentiate the roles and weights that stakeholders
have within ABS discussions, although one argued that all
stakeholders should have equal input.
photo: The dias of WG-II Chaired by Anoja
Wickramasinghe (middle)
Sam Johnston and Henrietta Marrie of the Secretariat
coverage of ABS-1
coverage of SBSTTA-6
Secretariat web site with official
documents and information
for participants
Introduction to the CBD