Medaglia (Costa Rica) opened the closing Plenary, and the
rapporteur, Maureen Wolfson (South Africa) introduced the
meeting's report UNEP/CBD/ABS-EP/2/L.3, including conclusions on
the three agenda items. Co-Chair Medaglia reviewed the process for
reaching agreement on the main items within previous Plenary and
Working Group discussions, which had reached provisional
agreements on the conclusions. Experts reviewed the document
providing both substantive and textual comments, and then adopted
the report.
Above photo: The dias during the closing plenary.
Executive Secretary Hamdallah Zedan expressed his hope that
the Panel's report would be a useful for the meeting of the Ad
Hoc Open-ended Working Group on ABS in Bonn. He highlighted
the utility of the discussions for clarifying issues, emphasizing
that the results were an expression of expert views and not
Right photo: (L-R) Hamdallah Zedan (CBD Executive Secretary)
and Co-Chair Girsberger (Switzerland) during the closing

Co-Chair Medaglia
(Costa Rica) thanked the Working Group chairs,
presenters, participants and Secretariat for their work, and then
adjourned the meeting at 2:30 pm.
Above photo: Hamdallah Zedan thanking the Co-chairs
Girsberger and Medaglia for the successful conclusion
of the meeting.
Editor's Note: As a matter of policy, the Earth
Negotiations Bulletin does not directly attribute statements in
informal discussions when requested to do so.