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Third meeting of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee (POPRC-3)
19-23 November 2007 | Geneva, Switzerland | |||||
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November 2007
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Highlights for Friday, The third meeting of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee (POPRC-3) to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) convened for its final day on Friday 23 November in POPRC-3 adopted risk profiles for four chemicals: commercial octabromodiphenyl (c-octaBDE), pentachlorobenzene (PeCB), and alpha and beta hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha- and beta-HCH). They decided that these chemicals are likely, as a result of their long-range environmental transport, to lead to significant adverse human health and/or environmental effects such that global action is warranted. They created Ad Hoc Working Groups to prepare risk management evaluations (RMEs) for each of these substances for consideration at POPRC-4. On short-chained chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs), as a few members said that there was a need for additional information, the Committee agreed to postpone a decision on the risk profile until POPRC-4 and to request the submission of additional information, in particular on toxicity and long range transport. POPRC-3 adopted the risk management evaluations (RMEs) for five chemicals: commercial pentabromodiphenyl ether (c-pentaBDE), chlordecone, hexabromobiphenyl (HBB), lindane, and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS). POPRC-3 agreed to recommend that the Conference of the Parties (COP) list the following substances under Annex A: c-pentaBDE, chlordecone, lindane, and HBB. It agreed to recommend that the COP list PFOS acid, its salt, and PFOS fluoride under Annex A or B. POPRC-3 agreed to defer consideration of the nomination to list endosulfan until POPRC-4, on the understanding that this would not set a precedent. POPRC-3 members also agreed to conduct intersessional work on enhancing the effective participation of Committee members. POPRC-4 is scheduled to convene from 13-17 October, 2008 in POPRC Chair Reiner Arndt (
Chair Arndt thanked POPRC Vice-Chair Jacqueline Alvarez,
Chair Arndt thanked Committee members for their hard work and gaveled the meeting to a close.
Snapshots from POPRC-3
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