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Twenty-sixth Meeting of the Animals Committee (AC26), Joint Meeting of the Animals and Plants Committees and Twentieth Meeting of the Plants Committee (PC20) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

15-20 March 2012, 22-24 March 2012 and 26-30 March 2012 | Geneva, Switzerland and Dublin, Ireland
Highlights for Monday, 19 March 2012
Throughout the morning, AC participants convened in the established working groups to complete their discussions. Among them, the nomenclature working group met briefly to address the lack of global standard coral references. The shark working group continued revising draft recommendations for the AC and discussed outstanding information and analysis concerns, inter alia: whether to attach party responses to the CITES shark questionnaire as a list of shark species or to compile it in a table with additional information for analysis; and an in-progress FAO review of commercially exploited aquatic species.

Participants reconvened in plenary in the afternoon. The representative of Africa read a statement by Senegal highlighting the proposal to transfer the West Africa manatee to CITES Appendix I. Mexico introduced a draft proposal to delete the imperial woodpecker from the appendices, citing that extinction of the species took place between 1946 and 1965. Regional representatives then presented their respective reports.

 Later in the afternoon, participants heard the reports of the working groups on sturgeon and paddlefish, snakes and periodic review. While recommendations on sturgeon and paddlefish and snakes were adopted, the Committee discussed at length amendments to the report on periodic review. The Committee deferred further discussion of the report to Tuesday's plenary.
Rhincodon typus (whale shark), one of three CITES-listed shark species, which the shark working group considered when drafting recommendations for the Animal Committee during morning discussions.
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Daily highlights

15 March - 16 March - 17 March - 19 March - 20 March - 22 March
23 March - 24 March - 26 March - 27 March - 28 March - 29 March - 30 March


AC26 Participants reconvened in plenary on Monday afternoon.


Delegate from China


The FAO Team

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