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Climate Resilience through the Right to Food: Perspectives on the UN Food Systems Summit

16 September 2021 | Online


In the first of a two-part series, stakeholders discussed the right to food as an entry point for transforming current unequal and unsustainable development trends.

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Photo courtesy of Beks

This event was the first in a two-part joint TMG Research gGmbH – Robert Bosch Foundation event series on “Land-Food-Climate: An African-European Dialogue on Climate Resilience.” The event aimed to gather stakeholder perspectives on ways to strengthen rights-based approaches in the ongoing food systems and climate change discussions.

The event focused on the right to food as an important entry point for transforming current unequal and unsustainable development pathways, showcasing possible pathways for realizing the potential of African smallholder agriculture to not only contribute to the continent’s food security, but also to expand climate-resilient livelihood opportunities.

The objective of the discussions was to inform the UN Food Systems Summit scheduled for 23 September 2021. The focus of the Summit lied on empowering people to leverage the power of food systems to drive the COVID-19 recovery and get on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

The second event of the series, scheduled for 19 October, will focus on perspectives on the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Funding for Earth Negotiations Bulletin coverage of this meeting has been provided by TMG and Robert Bosch Stiftung.

TMG   Robert Bosch Stiftung
