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Vienna Climate Change Talks 2007
AWG 4 and the Dialogue 4

27-31 August 2007 | Vienna, Austria

Highlights from Friday, 31 August 2007

Agreement reached; plenary adjourns just before 8:00 pm

On Friday, the AWG contact group met briefly at midday and AWG Chair Leon Charles updated delegates that difficulties remained addressing spillover effects of Annex I parties policies and measures for developing countries and some of the references to IPCC emission reduction ranges. The friends of the chair reconvened to reach an agreement on these outstanding issues. After holding informal consultations throughout the day on Friday, AWG 4 adopted conclusions on the analysis of mitigation potential and indicative ranges of emission reductions for Annex I parties. Photo: Chair Leon Charles gaveled the meeting to a close

AWG Contact Group
In a brief contact group session, AWG Chair Leon Charles announces that progress is being made, but that more time is needed for informal consultations.
UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer with Jamil Ahmad, Pakistan

Jamil Ahmad, Pakistan, Javad Khoei, Iran, and Martin Khor, Third World Network, discussing the text (left); Khor with Khoei (right)

SBI Chair Bagher Asadi, Iran, perusing the text (left) and NGOs consult during the morning contact group (right)
Informals continued throughout the day
Room Popper, where the informal consultations were held (left) and EU and G-77/China delegates consult (right)
Delegates from South Africa and India consulting outside the meeting room (left) and the negotiating room filled to capacity caused people to stand outside (right)
Michael Zammit Cutajar, Malta, with Jose Romero and Jean-Christophe Füef, Switzerland, chatting outside the meeting room (left) and delegates from Saudi Arabia waiting for the informals to reconvene
AWG Plenary  
AWG Chair Charles with Henning Wüster, UNFCCC Secretariat (right)
Waiting to hand out the final conclusions (left) and Yvo de Boer before the start of the closing plenary (right)
Kunihiko Shimada, Japan (left), thanked delegates for their cooperation in Vienna called for fruitful progress in Bali "in the spirit of solidarity"; Robert Owen Jones, Australia (right), with many other delegates noted Harald Dovland's retirement and appreciation for his contributions to the climate process
Michael Zammit Cutajar, Malta (left), highlighted Harald Dovland's (far right) significant contribution to the UNFCCC process and thanked him for "his optimism, commitment and honesty."
Harald Dovland, Norway, thanked everyone for their good cooperation over the years and asked delegates to promise him that they "do their job in Bali." 
Government of Austria

Press Briefing with the Executive Secretary

During the lunchtime press briefing UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer said the overall message from Vienna is that the scale of the problem is clear from the IPCC, the technology is available, and solutions are financially affordable.
Press Briefing: African Civil Society
Climate Action Network Press Briefing
CAN members, during their midday press conference, expressed alarm with some of the language in the draft text
Angela Anderson, Climate Action Network
Closing Press Briefing
AWG Chair Leon Charles and UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer; De Boer said "We have put Bali in the starting blocks, and the Secretary-General will fire the starting gun at the high level meeting in New York.”
Miscellanous Photos



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