Country-Led Initiative
in Support of the
Multi-Year Programme of Work of the UNFF:
Charting the Way Forward to 2015
Bali, Indonesia | 13-16 February, 2007
Bali WGs End, Delegates Visit Mangroves
On Thursday, the Country-Led Initiative (CLI) in support of the UN Forum
on Forests (UNFF) Multi-Year Programme of Work (MYPOW) convened for its
third day of discussions. In the morning, participants met for final
working group sessions on Themes of UNFF Biennial Meetings and
Modalities. The working group on Regional and Sub-regional Dimensions,
having completed their work early, released a draft summary report. In
the late morning, participants met in plenary to hear summaries of the
outcomes of each working group. In the afternoon, participants attended
a field trip to a mangrove demonstration forest and a sacred Balinese
Above: CLI participants at the Bali Mangrove Information Centre.
Thursday, 15 February
Working Groups
WG1 discussed five options for dividing themes into clusters for future
sessions of UNFF.
Mick George, Australia, stressed the importance of certification in
sustainable forest management.
Fiji called for communication to the rest of the world about the 2011
Year of Forests.
Argentina supported using headings that are comprehensible and appealing
to people outside the forest sector.
Participants in Working Group 2 considered the group's draft report on
Delegates read the draft WG report at the start of the group's morning
Taina Veltheim, Finland, stressed the importance of the relationship of
the MYPOW to the NLBI and proposed moving this to the beginning of the
report as a chapeau.
Sandra Ribey, Canada, pointed out confusing terminology within the
report and requested that it be revised and made consistent.
WG1 Co-chair Paul Lolo, Nigeria, presented the draft WG1 report.
WG2 Co-chair Ingwald Gschwandtl, Austria, presented the draft WG2
WG3 Co-chair Peter Mayer, IUFRO, presented the draft WG3 report.
Field Trip
Delegates walked around the Mangrove Information Centre on elevated
Youth participants showed off their new CLI hats.
One tour guide fell off the boardwalk and had to be fished out of the water.
Related Links
CLI Concept paper
Related IISD Coverage of Forest Meetings
UNFF Ad hoc
Expert Group Meeting, 11-15 December 2006, New York
Sixth Session of the
UN Forum on Forests (UNFF-6), 13-24 February 2006, New York
CLI in Support of the UNFF:
Scoping a Future Agreement on Forests, 16-18 November 2005, Berlin
Fifth Session of the
UN Forum on Forests (UNFF-5), 16-27 May 2005, New York
CLI in Support of the UNFF:
Future International Arrangement on Forests, 25-28 January 2005,
Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting (AHEG-PARAM)
7-10 September 2004, New York
Fourth Session of the
UN Forum on Forests (UNFF-4), 3-14 May 2004, Geneva
Third Session of the
UN Forum on Forests (UNFF-3), 26 May-6 June 2003, Geneva
Second Session of the
UN Forum on Forests (UNFF-2), 4-15 March 2002, New York
First Session of the
UN Forum on Forests (UNFF-1), 11-23 June 2001, New York
June 2001
UNFF Organizational Meeting
and Informal Consultations on the MYPOW, 12-16 February 2001, New York
Linkages - Forest, Desertification, Land
Brief Introduction to Global Forest Policy
Linkages Update
MEA-L - Multilateral
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