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Country-Led Initiative in Support of the Multi-Year Programme of Work of the UNFF: Charting the Way Forward to 2015
Bali, Indonesia | 13-16 February, 2007

UNFF MYPOW CLI Concludes in Bali

On Friday, the Country-Led Initiative (CLI) in support of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF) Multi-Year Programme of Work (MYPOW) convened for its final morning of discussions. Participants met in plenary to review and suggest corrections to the co-chairs' draft summary report. In late morning, a dialogue with the UNFF-7 bureau was followed by a closing speech by Ambassador Adiyatwidi Adiwoso Asmady, Deputy Permanent Representative of Indonesia's Permanent Mission to the United Nations, who declared the meeting closed at 11:54 AM.

Above: Ambassador Adiyatwidi Adiwoso Asmady gave her closing speech.

A summary of the Country Led Initiative in Support of the Multi-Year Programme of Work of the UNFF will be available online on Monday, 19 February 2007 at:

Friday, 16 February

Taina Veltheim, Finland, emphasized the role of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests and its members.

Charles Barber, United States, noted that good governance and the rule of law had been emphasized repeatedly by a number of working group participants.

Javad Amin-Mansour, Iran, asked for Low Forest Cover Countries to be mentioned specifically in the report text.

Jitendra Vir Sharma, India, called for the MYPOW to address implementation and achievement of the Global Objectives.

Bashir Ahmed Wani, Pakistan, highlighted the need for strong linkages with other MEAs.

WG1 Co-chair Tony Bartlett, Australia, explained some of the rationale used in drafting the co-chairs' summary report.

Sybille Vermont, Switzerland, called for sessions to have simple and understandable titles.

Cinthia Soto, Costa Rica, explained that the Year of the Forests would take place in 2011 due to an ECOSOC resolution.

New Zealand said there should be no new reporting requirements.

Paul Lolo, Nigeria, expressed his thanks to donor countries for supporting the CLI.

Hans Hoogeveen, Netherlands, proposed text thanking the government of Indonesia.

Co-chair Salman Al-Farisi, Indonesia, declared a ten-minute break before the closing ceremony.
Dialogue with UNFF-7 Bureau and Closing

Left: Pekka Patosaari, Director of the UNFF Secretariat, described the process as not a bus, but a train, and said tough negotiations will come later.

Right: CLI co-host Matthias Schwoerer, thanked the Indonesian national organizing committee and the co-chairs and rapporteurs for preparing the outcome documents, as well as participants for their hard work.
Around the CLI
Before the morning plenary, delegates conferred and reviewed the co-chairs' report.

Your IISD Reporting Services Bali CLI Bulletin team: Melanie Ashton, writer, Australia; Peter Wood, team leader, Canada; Khemaros "Pui" Kuhasantisuk, logistics coordinator, Thailand; Jonathan Manley, writer, South Africa; Sabrina Shaw, writer, Canada; Dan Birchall, digital editor, United States.

Related Links

MYPOW CLI program
MYPOW CLI Concept paper

Related IISD Coverage of Forest Meetings

UNFF Ad hoc Expert Group Meeting, 11-15 December 2006, New York
Sixth Session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF-6), 13-24 February 2006, New York
CLI in Support of the UNFF: Scoping a Future Agreement on Forests, 16-18 November 2005, Berlin
Fifth Session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF-5), 16-27 May 2005, New York
CLI in Support of the UNFF: Future International Arrangement on Forests, 25-28 January 2005, Guadalajara
UNFF Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting (AHEG-PARAM) 7-10 September 2004, New York
Fourth Session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF-4), 3-14 May 2004, Geneva
Third Session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF-3), 26 May-6 June 2003, Geneva
Second Session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF-2), 4-15 March 2002, New York
First Session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF-1), 11-23 June 2001, New York June 2001
UNFF Organizational Meeting and Informal Consultations on the MYPOW, 12-16 February 2001, New York

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