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International Expert Meeting on a 10-Year Framework of Programmes for Sustainable Consumption and Production

Marrakesh, Morocco | 16-19 June 2003

Summary Report | Our summary is available online in: 

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Thursday 19 | On Thursday morning, 19 June, the co-chairs of the four working groups reported to plenary on the discussions carried out during the four parallel sessions held in the mornings and afternoons of Tuesday and Wednesday, 17 and 18 June. Participants had the opportunity to comment on the reports of each working group and highlighted issues for incorporation into the final report of the meeting. The discussions included the importance of: income generating opportunities from waste recycling for poor communities; integrating consumption aspects into the activities of cleaner production centers; recognizing stakeholder participation as one of the elements of sustainable development; elaborating sustainable consumption and production policies that can also assist poverty reduction; and replicating successful experiences while taking into account countries' specific needs, priorities and capabilities.

Co-chair Bohn presented the draft summary of the meeting and highlighted the Marrakech Process on Sustainable Consumption and Production as the basic step towards the development of a 10-Year Framework of Programmes. She made a number of recommendations for future work in the 10-Year Framework of Programmes, including: UN DESA and UNEP should expand the survey on sustainable consumption and production patterns and make it available to all countries; best practice should be disseminated via interactive websites and expert meetings on specific issues relating to sustainable consumption and production; concrete partnerships should be established involving stakeholder participation; UN DESA should, together with UN HABITAT and UNEP, prepare a report based on the working groups' discussion with respect to priorities for sustainable consumption and production; the working groups' suggestions should be incorporated into government policies at national level; and regional cooperation should be strengthened through the organization of workshops to identify countries' priorities and actions relating to sustainable consumption and production.

She explained that the report of this meeting will be submitted to the UN by the host country and that the meeting's findings may be taken into account during the CSD-12. Co-chair Bohn expressed her appreciation to the Kingdom of Morocco for hosting the meeting, thanked all participants, especially the co-chairs of the working groups and UN DESA and UNEP staff for their efforts, and closed the meeting at 4:50 pm.

Cornelia Quennet-Thielen (Germany), co-chair WG–IV, identified key mechanisms for promoting sustainable production patterns and highlighted priorities where international cooperative efforts should be focused.
Aira Kalela (Finland), co-chair WG-III, pointed out some important elements that were considered in her group to promote sustainable consumption patterns.

Links to further information |

More information on this meeting is available from the UN Division for Sustainable Development: 
Further background information on consumption and production patterns is available at:
Information on the recent regional meetings is available from UNEP's Technology, Industry and Economics Division's website:
Chapter Three of the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, which addresses unsustainable patterns of consumption and production and was the catalyst for this Expert Meeting, can be viewed online at:
Agenda 21, Chapter Four – Changing Consumption Patterns is online at: The Earth Negotiations Bulletin reports on international negotiations addressing consumption and production, from the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 through to the Johannesburg Summit in 2002 and the most recent session of the Commission on Sustainable Development, can be found at:

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