On Thursday morning, POPRC-12 participants convened in plenary to hear reports from the Chairs of the contact groups that had met on Wednesday to address SCCPs, decaBDE, and the draft guidance on alternatives to PFOS and its related chemicals.
Plenary was then suspended until Friday morning to allow drafting groups to work on HCBD and decaBDE. A contact group on the draft guidance on PFOS and its related chemicals convened in the afternoon.
IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web updates from POPRC-12. In addition, IISD Reporting Services has produced a summary and analysis report from the meeting, which is available in HTML and PDF.
POPRC members Rameshwar Adhikari, Nepal, and Martien Janssen, the Netherlands
An observer from the Russian Federation talks with observers from Norway
Observers from Japan
John Wickens and Mariann Lloyd-Smith, IPEN, and Meriel Watts, PAN
POPRC member Jianxin Hu, China, and Dolf van Wijk, World Chlorine Council