Highlights and images for 6 March 2019



Highlights for Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Delegates from Working Group 3 during a break

UNEA-4On Wednesday, delegates continued meeting in five working groups to negotiate draft resolutions, ahead of the fourth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-4) next week in Nairobi, Kenya. Informal consultations took place during the day on marine litter, gender, geoengineering, Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP), improvement and the future of Global Environment Outlook reports, and implementation and follow-up of UNEA resolutions. In the evening, UNEA President Siim Kiisler (Estonia) held a second consultation session on the draft ministerial declaration. Many delegates worked in small drafting groups through the day to revise text for discussion in the larger working groups.Highlights of the day included:

  • review of merged texts on food waste and on mangrove ecosystems;
  • discussions over the different meanings of SCP, a life-cycle approach, and a zero-waste society;
  • opening of debate on sustainable nitrogen management; and
  • a second round of open consultations on the draft ministerial declaration.
  • For more details on the day’s negotiations and to hear what delegates said in the corridors, see our daily Earth Negotiations Bulletin.

    IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Meeting Coverage, provided daily web coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis report from OECPR-4 and UNEA-4, which is available in HTML and PDF.

    Photos by IISD/ENB | Mike Muzurakis

    For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page.

    Consultation on the Ministerial Declaration
    UNEA-4 President Siim Valmar Kiisler, Estonia, and Jorge Laguna-Celis, Secretary, Secretariat of Governing Bodies, UNEP
    Fernando Coimbra, Brazil
    Guri Sandborg, Norway
    Working Group 1 - Innovative Solutions for Environmental Challenges and Sustainable Consumption and Production
    Hugo Schally, EU
    Working Group 2 - Resource Efficiency, Chemicals and Waste
    Co-facilitators Marcus Davies, Canada, and Elizabeth Taylor, Colombia
    Stefanie Walter, Germany
    Ashley Nelsen, US
    Delegates from India and Japan
    Sarah Da Silva, Canada
    Noorah Algethami, Saudi Arabia
    Working Group 3 - Ecosystems and Biodiversity Management and Protection
    Co-facilitators Martin Gronda, Argentina, and Julia Pataki, Romania
    Laksmi Dhewanthi, Indonesia
    Elle Chang, US
    Elizabeth McLanahan, US
    Working Group 4 - Environmental Governance
    Co-facilitators Sunil de Silva, Sri Lanka, and Agus Justianto, Indonesia
    Hussein Roshdy, Egypt
    Pascale Collas, Canada
    Toral Patel-Weynand, US
    Working Group 5 - UNEP Programme of Work and Related Issues
    Wilson Sumner, US
    Sebastian König, Switzerland
    Co-facilitators Lori Dando, US, and Lukáš Pokorný, Czech Republic
    Between Sessions


    Negotiating blocs
    European Union