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39th Session of the International Tropical Timber Council 
and Associated Sessions of the Committees


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Highlights for Tuesday, 8 November 2005

On the second day of the thirty-ninth session of the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC), delegates made progress on a number of agenda items in Council and Committee sessions. In the morning, delegates convened in a Council session to: hear reports on achieving ITTO Objective 2000; discuss the report on phased approaches to certification; and review implementation of the biennial work programme for 2004-2005. During the afternoon Committee sessions, delegates continued their work, including on project and pre-project review, approval of projects for ex-post evaluation and the draft biennial work programme for 2006-2007.

Above photo L-R: Yvan Vassart (France), Enzo Barattini (European Community) and
Aulikki Kauppila (Finland) in consultation prior to the session on Committee on Finance and Administration (CFA).


During the morning Council session, three reports were presented on Assistance Provided to Producer Countries to Identify Factors Limiting Progress Towards Achieving Objective 2000, Progress in the Implementation of National Training Workshops on the Use of ITTO Formats for Reporting on Sustainable Forest Management and the Status of Tropical Forest Management. Delegates also discussed a report on phased approaches to certification and implementation of the biennial work programme for 2004-2005.

Left photo L-R: ITTO Executive Director Manoel Sobral Filho; ITTC Chair Alhassan Attah (Ghana) and ITTC Vice-Chair Koichi Ito (Japan)

Above photo: Steve Johnson (ITTO), presented and discussed the report’s findings, including that the quality of management of the world’s tropical forests is highly variable, as is relevant data, particularly with regards to soil and water indicators.

Above photo: Markku Simula (ITTO Consultant), presented and described a study mission to Mexico that found a number of innovations in SFM in community forest management.

Above photo: Alaistair Sarre (ITTO), presented and discussed the large amount of work that went into the preparation of the Status of Tropical Forest Management Report.

Japan indicated its concern with illegal logging, which distorts pricing and markets, and impacts on climate change, one of the issues at the G8 summit. 

Above photo: Ohnuma Kiyohito (Japan)

Switzerland indicated its concern with deforestation and suggested closer work with ITTO, particularly with regard to monitoring trade, including trade in NTFPs and environmental services. 

Above photo L-R: Jürgen Blaser  and Daniel Birchmeier (Switzerland)

Mexico said that its National Forestry Commission was created to develop productive capacity and SFM as well as generating markets for forestry services, and is realizing these objectives by developing SFM C&I and certification schemes.

Above photo: José Manuel Castañuela (Mexico)

During afternoon sessions, delegates convened in the Committees on Economic Information and Market Intelligence and Forest Industry, the Committee on Reforestation and Forest Management and the Committee on Finance and Administration. In the Committees on Economic Information and Market Intelligence and Forest Industry, delegates approved projects for ex-post evaluation and projects and pre-projects, and discussed policy work and the draft biennial work programme.

Committees on Economic Information and Market Intelligence and the Committee on Forest Industry (CEM/CFI): 

Above photo L-R: The CEM/CFI, chaired by Celestine Ntsame-Okwo (CFI, Gabon) and James Gasana (CEM, Switzerland) met on Tuesday to review projects and pre-projects in progress, discuss policy work and decide on a Biennial Work Program.

Above photo L-R: Katharina Kuehmayer (Austria) speaking with Enzo Barattini (European Commission)

Gérard Bottoud, ITTO Consultant, presented an ex-post evaluation of a project on forest statistics in Gabon. He recommended that ITTO, in cooperation with Gabon: search for additional donors to develop conclusions on project outcomes; mention in statistical projects the need for country involvement and ownership of the results; and insert additional requirements for terms of reference for specific project documents.

Andy White of Forest Trends presented a study on Community-based Forest Enterprises (CFEs) in which the role of CFEs in employment and trade was highlighted, and ITTO was urged to support more projects on CFEs. 

Paul Vantomme of the Secretariat presented study programs on competitiveness of tropical timber, a report of the workshop in Beijing in September 2005. 

The Philippines described an ongoing project of communities involved in “essential oils” from forests, purchased from small communities by soap factories. 

Above photo: Marcial Amaro Jr. (The Philippines) 

Côte d’Ivoire discussed a new activity on forest statistics in the Biennial Work Program of the CEM/CFI.

Above photo: Chantal Adingra (Côte d'Ivoire)

Brazil proposed a new program activity in Amazon region: a seminar on a sub-regional information system, on accounting mechanisms in forest sector and other issues such as criteria for national public accounting. 

Above photo L-R: Rócia Silva Oliveira, José Carvalho, Luiz Gasser, and Simone Meira Dias (Brazil)

The EC stated that there is a need for ITTO to link its activities to its objectives, and to place the activities in a broader context. 

Above photo: Enzo Barattini (European Community)

Committee on Reforestation and Forest Management (CRF):

In the Committee on Reforestation and Forest Management, delegates considered projects for ex-post evaluation and heard reports on completed, in progress and proposed projects and pre-projects.

Above photos L-R: CRF Chair Jennifer Conje (US) and CRF Vice-Chair Petrus Gunarso (Indonesia); view of the presentation of the report on guidelines for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in tropical timber production forests prepared by IUCN.

Left photo L-R: Stewart Maginnis and Jeff Sayer presented an overview of the Review and Update the ITTO Guidelines for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity, stressed the importance of pragmatism, and stated that production forests are key to conserving biodiversity. 

New Zealand suggested including guidelines for the prevention of perverse incentives. 

Above photo:  Charlotte Cudby (New Zealand) 

The Netherlands sought clarification regarding whether the guidelines are targeted at policy makers, at the forest management unit level, or both.

Above photo: Flip Van Helden (The Netherlands)

Indonesia volunteered to host the proposed field testing of the new guidelines.

Above photo L-R: Sri Murniningtyas and Effransyah (Indonesia)

The US suggested that it may be premature to disseminate the report and that this should await finalization.

Above photo L-R: David Brooks and Patrick Smith (US)

Committee on Finance and Administration (CFA):

Delegates in the Committee on Finance and Administration discussed the status of the Administrative Account for 2005, statements of the Administrative Account, the draft biennial Administrative Budgets for 2006-2007, resources of the Bali Partnership Fund and the Special Account, draft terms of reference for ITTO Regional Officers and the draft biennial work programme for 2006-2007.  

Above photos L-R: Charas Mayura (ITTO) introduced the agenda of the CFA; CFA Chair Dato Shaharuddin Bin Mohamad Ismail (Malaysia) and CFA Vice-Chair Zhang Zhongtian (China)


In a lunchtime side event, ITTO and the World Conservation Union (IUCN) launched a publication on restoring forest landscapes. Stewart Maginnis, IUCN, and Alastair Sarre, ITTO, presented the publication, noting that the Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) initiative is complementary to SFM and the ecosystem approach in degraded landscapes. The publication contains number case studies and lessons learned on FLR.

Stewart Maginnis, IUCN, noted that an ITTO project in Ghana would be used as a learning site for the initiative and a project assessment would be conducted with ITTO.  Alastair Sarre, ITTO Secretariat, explained that the manual would be used for ITTO project activities and available on the ITTO website. 

Left photo L-R: Alastair Sarre (ITTO) and
Stewart Maginnis (IUCN)



This service was prepared in cooperation with the ITTO Secretariat



ITTO Secretariat
Session documents
UNFF Secretariat
UNFCCC Secretariat
CBD Secretariat
ENB coverage of ITTC-37
ENB coverage of the UN Conference for the Negotiation of a Successor Agreement to the ITTA, 1994 Part 1| Part 2 | Part 3 
YMB summary from the Europe and North Asia Forest Law Enforcement and Governance Conference: (HTML, PDF, TEXT).
ENB archives of forestry meetings


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