The Global Environment Facility Civil Society Organization Network came together to provide insights on micro-, small, and medium-sized enterprises and their work in the eighth replenishment of the GEF Trust Fund and beyond.
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The GEF Partnership brought together representatives of CSOs to discuss the GEF’s engagement with MSMEs. It aimed to provide critical insights on, inter alia, microfinancing and green microfinancing, and the role of public-private CSO partnerships.
The consultations convened immediately before the 62nd meeting of the GEF Council. The virtual event, which took place on 17 June, sought to inform the GEF Secretariat, GEF Agencies, project beneficiaries, and project proponents on their engagement with MSMEs in GEF-8, particularly in the context of private sector engagement and the Small Grants Programme.
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Past event
1st GEF Assembly
Past event
2nd GEF Assembly
Past event
3rd GEF Assembly
Past event
4th GEF Assembly
Past event
40th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
41st Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
42nd Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
43rd Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
44th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
45th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
46th Meeting of the GEF Council and 5th GEF Assembly
Past event
47th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
48th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
49th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
50th Meeting of the GEF Council Meeting
Past event
51st Meeting of the GEF Council Meeting
Past event
52nd Meeting of the GEF Council Meeting
Past event
53rd Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
54th GEF Council Meeting and 6th GEF Assembly
Past event
55th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
56th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
57th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
58th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
59th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
GEF Consultations with Civil Society
Past event
60th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
GEF CSO Consultations on Youth-led Advocacy and Solutions
Past event
61st Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
GEF Consultation with Civil Society on Inclusive Microfinance
Past event
62nd Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
63rd Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
64th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
7th GEF Assembly
Past event
65th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
GEF Consultation with Civil Society on the Role of CSOs in Building Sustainable, Resilient, and Inclusive Cities
Past event
66th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event
GEF Consultation with Civil Society - Conversation on GEF initiatives and approaches to Civil Society
Past event
67th Meeting of the GEF Council
Past event