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Highlights and images for 28 July 2024

Sofia, Bulgaria


The Co-Chairs of the Contact Group on the outline of the Special Report on Climate Change and Cities consult with the Scientific Steering Comittee and the Secretariat.

With a “rest day” scheduled early in this meeting, delegates to the 61st session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) used Sunday to advance consideration of the proposed outlines for two key outputs of the Seventh Assessment Cycle.

In the morning, participants met in a contact group co-chaired by Denmark and Brazil to discuss the outline of the Special Report on Climate Change and Cities. In the early afternoon, Belize and Ireland co-chaired an informal exchange on the methodological report on short-lived climate forcers. 

View of the room

View of the room during the Contact Group on the outline of the Special Report on Climate Change and Cities

Following these discussions, many participants joined field trips to local sites that contribute to sustainability. Delegates were invited to Nasekomo, a biotechnology provider for insect farming that specializes in breeding Black Soldier Flies and turns by-products into food, feed, and natural fertilizers. Delegates could also choose to tour one of the largest wastewater treatment plants in the region, which, in addition to purifying water and returning it to the Danube River basin, is an exemplar of energy efficiency. 

IPCC-61 will resume its work in plenary on Monday. 

As IPCC sessions are closed, ENB publishes pictures and brief highlights while the meetings are in progress. Our full summary and analysis of each IPCC meeting will be published after its conclusion.

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All ENB photos are free to use with attribution. For the 61st Session of the IPCC (IPCC-61), please use: Photo by IISD/ENB | Anastasia Rodopoulou

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Climate Change