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Highlights and images for 16 December 2024

Windhoek, Namibia

Delegates applaud the closure of IPBES 11 after seven long days of work

Delegates applaud the closure of IPBES 11 after seven long days of work

The sound of beating drums preceded the dramatic final day of the IPBES plenary, with an invigorating drum workshop led by the Ongoma Drum Café. Many weary participants at the often turbulent 11th session of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES 11) expressed satisfaction about the successful conclusion of the meeting and the approval of the summaries for policymakers (SPMs) of two important assessments.

Addressing the thematic assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food, and health (Nexus Assessment) in a morning plenary was uneventful. The thorough and often strained discussions in the working group that had considered this item over the course of the week ultimately paid off. Delegates refrained from reopening the text and they smoothly approved the SPM and accepted the Assessment’s underlying chapters.

Anne Larigauderie, IPBES Executive Secretary, and David Obura, IPBES Chair, embrace the Nexus Assessment Co-Chairs as the report is adopted

Anne Larigauderie, IPBES Executive Secretary, and David Obura, IPBES Chair, embrace the Nexus Assessment Co-Chairs as the report is adopted

The approval of the SPM for the thematic assessment on the underlying causes of biodiversity loss, determinants of transformative change, and options for achieving the 2050 vision for biodiversity (Transformative Change Assessment) was more challenging. Despite difficult issues under negotiation, the process in the Working Group had been relatively smooth throughout the week, allowing for timely completion of work.

However, despite an appeal from IPBES Chair David Obura not to reopen the text in plenary, Brazil took the floor to offer amendments to the cleared text of the SPM, leading to a lengthy exchange, mainly over process. Brazil noted that it was impossible for a single-person delegation to follow all the negotiating streams, reminding delegates that, during the opening plenary, he had reserved the right to reopen the SPM in plenary. Many other members expressed serious procedural concerns, highlighting the many opportunities that IPBES members had to engage with the editing process, and concerns about the loss of trust in science.

Delegates participate in an interactive drumming session

Delegates participate in an interactive drumming session

In an effort to break the impasse, Chair Obura suggested, and delegates agreed, —many reluctantly— to hold an informal Friends of the Chair group to discuss the suggested amendments. Although the informal discussions were held behind closed doors, most participants agree that the amendments were less substantive or controversial than most expected.

While this process eventually proved effective and allowed for the approval of the Transformative Change Assessment’s SPM with limited changes, not everyone was satisfied. “Does the end justify the means?” one loudly wondered.

The EU expressed concerns that “interventions during this session indicate that the trust in the integrity of IPBES is perceived as threatened,” suggesting learning from this experience and taking the necessary steps to prevent such situations where possible.

Friends of the Chair meet to resolve amendments on the Transformative Change Assessment text

Friends of the Chair meet to resolve amendments on the Transformative Change Assessment text

Other than the two assessments, which represented the lion’s share of work during IPBES 11, delegates were able to approve the scoping report of the second global assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services after long and tiresome negotiations during the day. This report allows IPBES to continue its important work.

Delegates welcomed the report of the Executive Secretary on progress in the implementation of the rolling work programme up to 2030; encouraged further engagement with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; and approved the workplans for the following work programme’s objectives: capacity building; data management; knowledge generation catalysis; Indigenous and local knowledge; policy support; and scenarios and models.

They further adopted the decision on financial and budgetary arrangements and accepted the offer by the UK to host IPBES 12, tentatively scheduled to take place in January 2026.

The Transformative Change Assessment  Co-Chairs celebrate as the text is adopted

The Transformative Change Assessment Co-Chairs celebrate as the text is adopted

In closing remarks, delegates, among other things, expressed appreciation for the dedicated work in intense negotiating sessions and the approval of the SPMs of the Nexus and Transformative Change Assessments.

Following regional closing statements, Chair Obura highlighted the important contributions of IPBES 11, thanked all delegates and participants for their hard work and commitment, and gaveled the meeting to a close at 10:39 pm.

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All ENB photos are free to use with attribution. For IPBES 11 please use: Photo by IISD/ENB - Kiara Worth
