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25th Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol and Second Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties 

27 June  - 1 July 2005, Montreal, Canada 




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Highlights for Tuesday, 28 June 2005

Delegates to the Twenty-fifth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (OEWG-25)  met in Plenary throughout the day, taking up agenda items on administrative and other issues arising out of the TEAP progress report, and on issues relating to methyl bromide, the Multilateral Fund, illegal trade in ODS, proposed adjustments to the Montreal Protocol, and other matters.

Above photo: 
Executive Secretary of the Ozone Secretariat, Marco González and OWEG-25 Co-Chairs David Okioga, (Kenya) and Thomas Land (US). 




Above photos L-R: Modou Diagne Fada, Minister of Environment and Protection of Nature (Senegal), showed delegates a short film on his country's preparations for the upcoming MOP-17, to be held in Dakar, Senegal in December 2005.; Ndeye Diallo (Senegal) showcases an exhibit highlighting Senegal's attractions in preparation for MOP-17. 


Issues arising out of the 2005 TEAP progress report:

Above photos L-R: Marcela Nicodemos (Brazil), Marcia Levaggi (Argentina) and Hodayah Finman (US)


TEAP ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES: Brazil, China, Cuba, Mexico and Nigeria expressed support for the principle of balanced geographic representation on TOCs. Costa Rica, supported by Argentina and Canada, suggested that Article 5 and non-Article 5 countries should each have two co-chairs on the MBTOC. Japan introduced a draft decision on the review of financial assistance to the MBTOC and the US queried whether Japan’s draft decision proposed permanent funding for non-Article 5 Parties on TOCs.



Above photos L-R: O. A. Afolabi (Nigeria) and Pierre Pinault and Jean-Louis Wallace (Canada)


The EC suggested Parties consider developing a regime for laboratory and analytical critical uses of methyl bromide, as exists for essential uses for other ODS. He indicated the EC’s intention to prepare a draft decision on this for MOP-17. 

Left photo L-R: Maas Goote (the Netherlands), Alistair McGlone (UK), and Blaise Horisberger (Switzerland)




NOMINATIONS FOR CRITICAL USE EXEMPTIONS FOR 2006-07: Jonathan Banks and Nahum-Marban Mendoza, Co-Chairs of MBTOC, outlined new nominations for critical-use exemptions for methyl bromide for 2006 and 2007. Parties then discussed the need for bilateral communication with TEAP, timelines for 2007 nominations, and concerns over requests for increased CUN quantities.

The Environmental Investigation Agency urged Parties to reject requests for exemptions, especially where Parties do not disclose stockpiles or demonstrate that they have actively sought alternatives. 

Above photos L-R: Jonathan Banks and Nahum-Marban Mendoza, Co-Chairs of MBTOC; Allan Thornton (Environmental Investigation Agency)



MULTI-YEAR EXEMPTIONS: The US introduced its proposal for multi-year exemptions for methyl bromide and noted advantages of the approach, including greater certainty that CUE applicants are working to phase out methyl bromide. Several Parties noted that while there could be advantages to such an approach, it could also hinder the search for alternatives, and would need to be accompanied by efforts to ensure a downward trend in the use of methyl bromide.

Right photo L-R: John Thompson and Claudia McMurray (US)



POTENTIAL HARMFUL TRADE: Co-Chair Okioga referred to MBTOC’s previous indication that it does not have the expertise to complete work on this issue in 2005, but that TEAP could do so next year. He noted that MBTOC will discuss the issue at its August meeting. 

MODIFICATION OF THE HANDBOOK ON CRITICAL USE NOMINATIONS: Co-Chair Okioga outlined that at MOP-16, the Parties agreed more time was needed to review this handbook. The US then noted that while it was pleased with progress made, it still held concerns about the lack of specificity on an analytical cut-off date.


STANDARD PRESUMPTIONS UNDERLYING MBTOC’S RECOMMENDATIONS OF CRITICAL-USE NOMINATIONS: Co-Chair Okioga suggested Parties postpone debate on this item until after review of the proposed changes from the MBTOC. Japan and the US made short comments before the Chair noted the issue would be moved to the next meeting.



ISSUES RELATED TO THE Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol:

TEAP STUDY ON THE 2006-08 REPLENISHMENT OF THE MULTILATERAL FUND FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MONTREAL PROTOCOL:TEAP Co-Chair Pons presented on the TEAP Replenishment Task Force Report, noting that the previous report proved to reasonably estimate actual expenditures. TEAP Co-Chair Kuijpers said that the current estimation procedure was based on the Secretariat’s Compliance Oriented Model. Parties responded to the Task Force Report, highlighting issues on inter alia allocation for demonstration project chillers: variability of cost of HFC-134a; and adequate funding to support Article 5 countries with compliance. 




Above photos L-R: TEAP Co-chairs José Pons  and Lambert Kuijpers; Maria Nolan, Chief Officer of the Secretariat of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol





The Multilateral Fund’s Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Anspar Eussner gave a brief overview of the main findings, highlighting the need to upgrade legislative frameworks, accelerate customs training and regional activities, and improve the effectiveness of training materials. Left photo L-R: Maria Nolan and Anspar Eussner (Multilateral Fund).






On the outcome of the recent experts’ workshop on a conceptual framework of cooperation for addressing illegal trade, parties discussed: concern about reporting smuggling cases to the Secretariat; domestic programs on illegal trade; implementation of Article 4(b) before adding additional requirements on this matter; and feasibility of developing systems for tracking trade in ODS. 









Above photos L-R: Alistair McGlone (UK speaking on behalf of the EC), Ives Gomez (Mexico) and Nelson Espinosa (Cuba)


PROPOSED ADJUSTMENT TO THE METHYL BROMIDE PHASE-OUT SCHEDULE FOR ARTICLE 5 PARTIES: The EC, with support from Canada, proposed further interim reduction steps for methyl bromide in Article 5 Parties, stating that this would show a practical way to achieve reductions by 2015. Argentina, with support from Cuba, Mexico, Colombia, and Iran, opposed discussion of the proposed amendment given that CUE nominations for non-Article 5 countries for the coming year are not yet resolved. Argentina added that the data in the proposal could be updated. The EC recognized the concerns raised, and agreed to update the data. Delegates agreed to forward the proposal to MOP-17 for further consideration.










This service was prepared in cooperation with the Ozone Secretariat