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36th Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

20-24 July 2015 | United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) headquarters, Paris, France

Highlights for Monday, 20 July 2015

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ENB Daily CoverageAbout | 20 Jul | 21 Jul | 22 Jul | 23 Jul | 24 Jul | Summary
A view of UNESCO

The UNESCO headquarters as seen from the Eiffel Tower (photo by Nicole Schabus)

The thirty-sixth meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG 36) of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer opened on Monday, 20 July 2015, in Paris, France.

In the morning, OEWG 36 met in plenary to adopt the provisional agenda with a minor editorial amendment and address the organization of work. Delegates then heard the 2014 quadrennial assessment reports of the Scientific Assessment Panel (SAP), the Environmental Effects Assessment Panel (EEAP) and the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP).

Delegates then turned to the agenda item on the 2015 progress report of the TEAP, which included progress reports from the Chemicals Technical Options Committee (TOC), Foams TOC, Halons TOC, and Methyl Bromide TOC. They also addressed issues related to exemptions under Article 2A–2I of the Montreal Protocol, which included discussions on nominations for essential-use exemptions for 2016 and nominations for critical-use exemptions for 2016 and 2017, and the TEAP report on alternatives to ozone-depleting substances (ODS).

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, provided daily web coverage and a summary and analysis report from the 36th Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, which took place from 20 to 24 July 2015, from the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) headquarters in Paris, France. Our summary and analysis report is available in HTML and PDF. Available in ENB Mobile at:

Room view during the plenary

Co-Chair Emma Rachmawaty, Indonesia

Co-Chair Paul Krajnik, Austria

Tina Birmpili, Executive Secretary, Ozone Secretariat

Janet Bornman, EEAP Co-Chair

Delegates from France, conferring

View of the dais during the opening session

A.R. Ravishankara, SAP Co-Chair

John Pyle, SAP Co-Chair

Jimena Nieto, Colombia

Atsuhiro Meno, Japan

Blaise Horisberger, Switzerland

Tina Birmpili, Executive Secretary, Ozone Secretariat and Co-Chair Paul Krajnik, Austria

Nigel Paul, EEAP Co-Chair

Helen Tope, Medical TOC Co-Chair

Paul Ashford, Foams TOC Co-Chair

Li Haisheng and Xiao Xuezhi, China

Sajjad Ahmad, Pakistan

Xiao Xuezhi, China

The Kuwaiti delegation

Participants networking

Around the venue

ENB Daily CoverageAbout | 20 Jul | 21 Jul | 22 Jul | 23 Jul | 24 Jul | Summary
Specific funding for coverage of the 36th Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol has been provided by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) - Ozone Secretariat
UNEP - Ozone Secretariat

IISD Reporting Services is grateful to the many donors of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) and recognizes the following as core contributors to the ENB: the European Union, the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Japanese Ministry of Environment (through the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies - IGES), the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, SWAN International, Government of Switzerland (the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC), and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Funding for translation of the Bulletin into French is provided by the Government of France, the Wallonia, Québec, and the International Organization of La Francophonie/Institute for Sustainable Development of La Francophonie (IOF/IFDD).