
Highlights and images for 2 December 2022

Punta del Este, Uruguay

International Legally Binding Instrument on Plastics Pollution, including in the Marine Environment

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Bernardo Roca-Rey, Peru; INC Chair Gustavo Meza-Cuadra, Peru; Jyoti Mathur-Filipp, Executive Secretary, INC Secretariat; and Yesica Fonseca, Peru

Delegates finalized a first round of deliberations at the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-1) to develop an international legally binding instrument (ILBI) on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment.

In the morning, they shared their perspectives on how best to sequence the rest of the Committee’s work. Underlining the need for INC-2 to go “into negotiating mode,” many called for two work streams to be created: one on substantive issues and the other on means of implementation and institutional arrangements. Others emphasized the need for the INC to consider means of implementation alongside substantive issues. There were different views on how best to address these work streams, with a number of developing countries cautioning against setting up too many groups negotiating different aspects of the ILBI in parallel, noting that this would constrain the effective participation of small delegations.

The INC then considered pending agenda items. Delegates agreed to postpone the consideration of draft rule 37 of the rules of procedure, addressing voting rights, to INC-2.

On the election of Vice-Chairs to the INC bureau, INC Chair Meza-Cuadra informed delegates that no consensus had been reached. He proposed, and delegates agreed, to postpone the election of the bureau to INC-2, including the appointment of the rapporteur. He noted that he would continue to work with those members whose nominations had been confirmed by their regional groups. These include Antigua and Barbuda (for small island developing states); Rwanda and Senegal (for Africa); Japan and Jordan (for Asia-Pacific); Peru and Ecuador (for Latin America and the Caribbean); and Sweden and the US (for the Western European and Others Group).

Delegates then welcomed the offer by the Government of France to host INC-2, and noted the offers from Kenya, Canada, and the Republic of Korea to host subsequent meetings of the Committee. During the closing, several delegations lauded the government of Uruguay for hosting INC-1.

Commending delegates for their work during this first session of the Committee, INC Chair Meza-Cuadra gaveled the meeting to a close at 7:52 pm.

plenary afternoon

France welcoming delegates and participants to INC-2 in May.

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All ENB photos are free to use with attribution. For photos from this side event, please use: Photo by IISD/ENB | Angeles Estrada
