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3rd Session of the Post-2015 Intergovernmental Negotiations
(Sustainable Development Goals and Targets)

23-26 March 2015 | UN Headquarters, New York

Highlights for Wednesday, 25 March 2015

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Daily Web HighlightsAbout | 23 Mar | 24 Mar | 25 Mar | 26 Mar | 27 Mar

L-R: Nikhil Seth, Director, Division of Sustainable Development, UN Department of Economic
and Social Affairs (DESA), Co-Facilitators Macharia Kamau (Kenya) and David Donoghue (Ireland),
and Secretariat staff on the dais during Member States’ discussion of indicators, goals and targets.

2015 Time for Global Action Agenda for People and for Planet On Wednesday morning, Major Groups and Other Stakeholders took part in an interactive dialogue on indicators for the SDG targets.

Delegates heard stakeholders’ recommendations and statements of concern, and their suggestions on ways to monitor progress on many issues, including aging, disability, sustainable forest management and artisanal fisheries. Many speakers affirmed the need for disaggregated data and called for indicators that do not fall below existing international agreements. Several speakers highlighted the need to address peace, justice and governance concerns, and urged countries not to neglect efforts to make progress in these areas due to perceived challenges of measurement.

Responding to the Major Groups’ statements, government delegates emphasized that a high level of ambition has been set in the SDGs, and welcomed further civil society involvement.

Co-Facilitator Macharia Kamau (Kenya) concluded the discussion offering to write to the UN Statistical Commission to request that Major Groups and Other Stakeholders be included in its consultations on indicators.

In the afternoon, delegates resumed and finished their discussion of indicators from Tuesday morning. They then began discussion on goals and targets, presenting their views in group, regional, and national statements. Some Member States warned against the “re-opening” of any targets, while others argued that targets could be strengthened, at least in areas of high agreement.

IISD Reporting Services has provided a summary and analysis of the Third Session of the Post-2015 Intergovernmental Negotiations (Sustainable Development Goals and Targets) in HTML and PDF format.

Antonio Domingo García-Allut,
Fundación Lonxanet para la Pesca Sostenible

Gomer Padong, Beyond 2015 and
Asia Pacific Regional Engagement Mechanism

A participant from Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) International highlights the value of participatory research

Maria Theresa Lauron,
CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE)

Rodrigo Isai Madrid Estay, Latin American and the Caribbean Movement for Children, as part of SOS Kinderdorf International

Wilson Sossion, Kenya National Union of Teachers, as part of Education International (Workers and Trade Unions Major Group)

View of the room before the afternoon session

Funding for coverage of the 3rd Session of the Post-2015 Intergovernmental Negotiations
(Sustainable Development Goals and Targets) has been provided by the
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the European Union (EU)
Daily Web HighlightsAbout | 23 Mar | 24 Mar | 25 Mar | 26 Mar | 27 Mar