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Vth IUCN World Parks Congress

Durban, South Africa | 8-17 September 2003

Wednesday, 10 September

Delegates to the Vth IUCN World Parks Congress (WPC) met in two morning symposia to address "Community and Parks" and "Working at Scale." Plenary met in the afternoon to hear a briefing on the workshop streams and cross-cutting themes. Numerous side meetings and special events on, inter alia, transboundary protected areas (PAs) and biodiversity and mining were held throughout the day.Photo: African theater and dancing during the Plenary sessions at the Congress

Symposium C: Community and Parks

Yolanda Kakabadse, IUCN President, chaired the symposium and moderated the panel discussion on "Parks: With or without people?"






"Working with Communities to Benefit Conservation and People: the Experience from Australia" Bob Debus (Australia), Attorney-General and Minister for the Environment, New South Wales Government (Listen to Presentation)




"The Challenges of Indigenous Peoples in Protected Areas: the Experience from the Amazon" Sebastiao Haji Manchinery (Brazil) General Coordinator, Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (Listen to Presentation)

"New Ways of Working Together:Community Conserved Areas" Ashish Kothari (India) Founder member, Kalpavriksh


"Building Community Support for Protected Areas Globally and Locally-World Heritage and Biosphere Reserve Approach" Walter Erdelen (Germany) Assistant Director General UNESCO (Listen to Presentation)

Panel Discussion: "Parks: With or Without People?"

Luz Maria de la Toree, indigenous representative, preseneted the Indigenous Peoples' Declaration to the World Parks Congress




Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend, CEESP Vice-Chair and WCPA Vice-Chair for TILCEPA with IUCN President Yolanda Kakabadse (Listen to Presentation)

Panel "Parks: With or Without People?


Richard Leaky (Kenya), Eden Wildlife Trust (Listen to Presentation)
Symposium D: Working at Scale

Valli Moosa, South African Environment and Tourism Minister for Environment, spoke on the establishment of the strans-frontier protected area on the border between South Africa and Mozambique


"The Ecological Transect in Western and Central Africa, and Implications for Protected Areas" Mike Fay, US, Wildlife Conservation Society


Fay discussed US Secretary of State Colin Powell's visit and interest in the Congo Basin Initiative

Briefing for the Workshop Streams

Kenton Miller, WPCA Chair


Julia Carabias, Former Minister of the Environment, Mexico, is the lead for the workshop on "Developing the Capacity to Manage"



Ashish Kothari (India) Founder-member, Kalpavriksh will lead the workshop addressing the cross-cutting theme of "Communities and Equity"

MaNatarajan Ishwaran (Sri Lanka) Chief, Natural Heritage Section, World Heritage Centre, UNESCO, will lead the cross-cutting workshop on "World Heritage"




Presentation of awards for contributions to conservation


Kenton Miller, IUCN, presents an award post humos to the son of Enrique Beltran (left), Hugh Logan accepts an award presented post humus to Bing Lucas (center) and an award was presented to Gerardo Budowski
Drama on Protected Area Issues (Theatre by African performers Vukani, arranged by IUCN Commission on Education




More photos: Celebration of the Sacred and Non Material Values of Protected Areas by Indigenous and Traditional Leaders from around the World (Tuesday, 9 September)




Valli Moosa, South Africa, Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, moderated the symposium






World Parks Congress
Programme for the World Parks Congress
Workshop Streams and Cross-cutting Themes