Celebration of the adoption of the Paris Agreement

Climate Ambition Summit 2020

12 December 2020

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change – UNFCCC


On the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Paris Agreement, the United Nations, United Kingdom, and France, in partnership with Chile and Italy, co-convened a high-level event to mobilize government and non-governmental leaders to demonstrate their commitment to the Paris Agreement and the multilateral process.


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On 12 December 2020, the United Nations, United Kingdom, and France, in partnership with Chile and Italy, will co-host a virtual Climate Ambition Summit 2020 to mark the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Paris Agreement. The event will provide a platform for government and non-governmental leaders to demonstrate their commitment to the Paris Agreement and the multilateral process.

The summit is positioned as a “sprint to Glasgow,” where the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 26) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is scheduled to take place from 1–12 November 2021. The day will feature announcements that demonstrate “genuine progress” compared to existing policies and targets under three areas: mitigation, adaptation, and support. In particular, the co-hosts have called for:

  • New, more ambitious nationally determined contributions (NDCs);
  • Long-term net-zero emissions strategies;
  • Climate finance commitments to support the most vulnerable; and
  • Ambitious adaptation plans and policies.

The Paris Agreement, which was adopted at COP 21 in Paris, France, on 12 December 2015, constitutes a major landmark agreement on climate change that seeks to limit global average temperature rise to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit the increase to 1.5°C. The agreement, which entered into force in record time, on 4 November 2016, currently has 188 parties. All parties to the agreement are expected to undertake ambitious efforts to support the agreement’s goals and communicate their related intentions every five years in the form of NDCs.

All NDCs must contain emission reduction (mitigation) measures. Developed countries are expected to set economy-wide absolute emission reduction targets, whereas developing countries are expected to continue to enhance their mitigation efforts and move over time towards economy-wide reduction or limitation targets. Developed countries are required to support developing countries with respect to both mitigation and adaptation through finance, technology transfer, and capacity building (i.e. means of implementation).

In the first round, 186 parties submitted their first NDC and two have since submitted a second NDC. The collective ambition of the NDCs’ mitigation pledges, however, is far from sufficient: the UN Environment Programme estimates that the implementation of the first round of NDCs would lead to a temperature rise of more than 3°C.

By the end of October 2020, only 15 countries representing 4.6% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions had submitted an NDC in 2020. In addition, only 19 parties have so far submitted to the UNFCCC their “long-term low GHG emission development strategies,” which the Paris Agreement also calls for all countries to formulate.

As per the Paris Agreement, each successive NDC must represent a progression beyond the country’s previous NDC and reflect its highest possible ambition. The Paris Outcome decision (1/CP.21) requests parties with an NDC with a time frame up to 2025 to communicate a new NDC by 2020. Countries with a NDC with a time frame up to 2030 are requested to communicate or update their NDCs by 2020. Only a small number of countries’ NDCs have a time frame up to 2025 but, given the urgency of raising ambition, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres and UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa, among others, have been urging for parties to submit enhanced NDCs as early as possible and well before COP 26.

During the Climate Ambition Summit, countries are expected to make announcements related to enhanced NDCs and, with non-governmental participants, other pledges and plans relating to mitigation in the medium and short term, as well as adaptation and finance.

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Past event

11th Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change (INC/FCCC)

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Past event

1st Session of the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate

Past event

1st Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 1)

Past event

2nd Session of the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate

Past event

1995 Year-end Update on UNFCCCC

Past event

2nd Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 2)

Past event

3rd Session of the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate

Past event


Past event

5th Session of the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate and 4th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 4)

Past event

5th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 5)

Past event

6th Session of the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate

Past event

6th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 6)

Past event

7th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 7)

Past event


Past event


Past event

10th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 10)

Past event


Past event

12th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 12)

Past event

13th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 13)

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Past event


Past event

16th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 16)

Past event


Past event

18th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 18)

Past event


Past event

Workshop on "Forests and Forest Ecosystems: Promoting Synergy in the Implementation of the Three Rio Conventions"

Past event

20th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 20)

Past event


Past event

22nd Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 22)

Past event


Past event

24th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies and Associated Meetings

Past event

Nairobi Climate Change Conference – November 2006

Past event

26th Sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies of the UNFCCC and Associated Meetings

Past event

Vienna Climate Change Talks - August 2007

Past event

Bali Climate Change Conference - December 2007

Past event

Bangkok Climate Change Talks - March/April 2008

Past event

Accra Climate Change Talks - August 2008

Past event

Poznań Climate Change Conference - December 2008

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Talks - March/April 2009

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Talks - June 2009

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Talks - August 2009

Past event

Bangkok Climate Change Talks - September/October 2009

Past event

Barcelona Climate Change Talks - November 2009

Past event

Copenhagen Climate Change Conference – December 2009

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Talks - April 2010

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Talks - May/June 2010

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Talks - August 2010

Past event

Tianjin Climate Change Talks - October 2010

Past event

Cancún Climate Change Conference - November 2010

Past event

Bangkok Climate Change Talks - April 2011

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Conference - June 2011

Past event

Panama City Climate Change Conference - October 2011

Past event

Durban Climate Change Conference - November 2011

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Conference - May 2012

Past event

Bangkok Climate Change Conference - August 2012

Past event

Doha Climate Change Conference - November 2012

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Conference - April 2013

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Conference - June 2013

Past event

Warsaw Climate Change Conference - November 2013

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Conference - March 2014

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Conference - June 2014

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Conference - October 2014

Past event

Lima Climate Change Conference - December 2014

Past event

Geneva Climate Change Conference - February 2015

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Conference - August 2015

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Conference - October 2015

Past event

Paris Climate Change Conference - November 2015

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Conference - May 2016

Past event

Marrakech Climate Change Conference - November 2016

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Conference - May 2017

Past event

Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference - November 2017

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Conference - April 2018

Past event

Bangkok Climate Change Conference - September 2018

Past event

Katowice Climate Change Conference - December 2018

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Conference - June 2019

Past event

Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week 2019

Past event

Chile/Madrid Climate Change Conference - December 2019

Past event

June Momentum for Climate Change

Past event

UN Climate Change Dialogues 2020

Past event

Climate Ambition Summit 2020

Past event

2021 Sessions of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies

Past event

Glasgow Climate Change Conference

Past event

Bonn Climate Change Conference - June 2022

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Bonn Climate Change Conference - June 2023

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Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Climate Week

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