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Twelfth Session of the Subsidiary Bodies of the UNFCCC
Bonn, Germany; 5 - 16 June 2000


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Tuesday, 6 June:

Delegates to the informal meetings preceding SB-12 met to discuss: policies and measures; guidelines on Protocol Articles 5 (methodological issues), 7 (communication of information) and 8 (review of information); cross-cutting issues; land use, land-use change and forestry; and the mechanisms.

Informal meeting on Policies and Measures

Chair Dovland summarized the outcome of the FCCC workshop on policies and measures (P&Ms) held during April in Copenhagen, and asked delegates for suggestions on future work. While most delegates underlined the continuing value of information exchange, there was concern at the heavy workload prior to COP-6.

Harald Dovland (Norway) [second from the left], Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA)

Informal meeting on cross-cutting issues

Chair Dovland said this meeting was aimed at facilitating coherence and eliminating duplication of work among the various issues under negotiation. He noted linkages between the work on mechanisms, compliance and Articles 5, 7 and 8, and suggested grouping these cross-cutting issues in seven areas: supplementary information relating to the mechanisms; the review of mechanisms-related activities; the relationship between the adjustment and compliance procedures; the relationship between the classification of problems and the screening procedure; implementation issues; and criteria for mechanisms participation. He then listed 14 specific questions related to these cross-cutting issues and identified which of the three contact groups should take the lead role in responding to each of these questions. He noted that further questions could be added to this list, and that there were linkages between other issues under negotiation, such as the potential linkages between work on P&Ms and FCCC Article 4.8 and 4.9 and Protocol Article 3.14.

Harald Dovland (Norway) [above left], Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and John Ashe (Antigua & Barbuda) [above right], Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI)
Above and right: views from behind the podium during the cross-cutting issues discussion
Hard at work at the back of the room: Michal Zammit Cutajar, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC [on the left] looks over his documents while members of the ENB behind him listen to Chair Dovland's remarks

Mechanisms Pursuant to Articles 6, 12 and 17 of the Protocol - Industry and NGO
Industry and environmental NGOs' positions: In an evening session on business and NGO perspectives on the mechanisms, representatives from the business community, including the International Chamber of Commerce and the International Climate Change Partnership, recommended, inter alia, that COP-6: agree to clear definitions on fungibility and tradeability; eschew quantitative restrictions in the mechanisms; provide clarity on the proposed institutional controls for CDM; create a strong and fair compliance system; and approve mechanisms for fast-track CDM crediting. Most representatives expressed preference for seller liability.
From left to right: Nick Campbell, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC); Jonathan Grant, International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA); John Novak, Edison Electric Institute (EEI); Tom Jacob, International Climate Change Partnership (ICCP); Paul Metz, European Business Council for a Sustainable Energy Future (BCSE), Norine Kennedy, ICC.
The Climate Action Network (CAN), representing the NGOs, said Annex-I participation in the mechanisms should hinge on their ability to monitor and report emissions to a given standard and track changes to AAUs. On liability, CAN supported a hybrid buyer-seller liability ensuring environmental effectiveness and capturing the market's power to enhance compliance. On CDM, CAN said it must: encourage the development of markets for clean energy technologies in the South; support local, regional and national development priorities; have minimum overall environmental impacts; and not undermine Annex I domestic action. CAN also suggested measures to enhance public participation in the CDM Project Cycle.
Nick Campbell, ICC; Jonathan Grant, IPIECA; John Novak, EEI

Tom Jacob, ICCP; Paul Metz, BCSE, Norine Kennedy, ICC.

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In the corridors
Some participants felt the session on cross-cutting issues represented a barometer for the meeting so far, which seems to have started constructively. A number of participants suggested that Wednesday's briefing on the IPCC's Special Report on LULUCF could result in the most lively session of the meeting to date.

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