Ewald Limon, Suriname, CLI Task Force, welcomed
participants and expressed hope that the CLI will set the
stage for the commitment of new and additional resources to
enable SFM.
Hoogeveen, the Netherlands, UNFF 7 Chair and CLI
Co-Organizer, identified challenges and opportunities within
SFM, including improving the lives of forest peoples and
reversing climate change. |
Caswell, US, CLI Co-Organizer, noted the importance of
CLIs within UNFF. She said that the Non-Legally Binding
Instrument on All Types of Forests (NLBI) is a landmark
agreement that provides a framework for cooperation on SFM,
and that its implementation will require increased funding
and good governance. |
Purnama, Indonesia, UNFF 8 Chair, stressed the
need for continued commitment from stakeholders to
achieving the four Global Objectives on Forests. |
Ronald Venetiaan, President of Suriname, noted the
steps undertaken by Suriname to protect its forests,
including legislation for protected areas and forest
sustainability. |
Bharrat Jagdeo, President of Guyana; Runaldo Ronald Venetiaan, President of Suriname, and
Ramdien Sardjoe, Vice President of Suriname. |
Boen Purnama, Indonesia and Ramdien Sardjoe, Vice President of Suriname. |
L-R: Carlos Gonzalez Vicente, Mexico; Markku
Simula, Advisory Group on Finance of the
CPF; Jan McAlpine, US and Charas Mayura,
International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) |
Mittermeier, Conservation International (CI),
described CI’s conservation priority setting
mechanisms using irreplaceable biodiversity hotspots
and largely intact high biodiversity wilderness areas,
noting that sustainable use activities will differ in
either category. |
Jenkins, Forest Trends, described the change in
forest threats and opportunities over time, and noted
that forests present a nexus between climate,
communities and conservation. |
Vahanen, UN Food and Agriculture Organization,
presenting on the Collaborative Partnerships on
Forests (CPF) background analysis of the NLBI. |
Markku Simula, Advisory Group on Finance of the CPF, presented the results of a study on the external financial flows for SFM in developing countries. |
on new and emerging World Bank initiatives on forest
finance, Gerhard Dieterle, World Bank, noted
that new funding opportunities available include:
forests being included in the climate change agenda,
particularly the Bali Roadmap; private sector
investment in forests; and significant new ODA
financing. |
the issues and opportunities for financing forestry in
Latin America and the Caribbean, Dora Currea,
Inter-American Development Bank, highlighted that
climate change provides new opportunities for direct
financing. |
Jagdeo, President of Guyana, lamented that SFM
financing must be substantially increased as it has
yet to match political commitments. He noted that
forests must be part of any development strategy, and
that ultimately forests will be cut down as long as it
is more profitable than keeping them standing.
Bin Buang, ITTO, gave an overview of ITTO’s
financing of sustainable tropical forest management,
noting that between 1988 to 1996, US$129 million was
granted to various projects in tropical timber
producing countries. |
community forestry and financing, Yati Bun,
Foundation for People and Community Development, Papua
New Guinea, stressed that capacity building was a
large challenge for SFM. |
Mossop-Rousseau, South African Forestry Company
Limited and African Forest Forum, presented on the
financial challenges facing forest product producers
South Africa
. |
Three breakout groups met to
discuss country experiences with: the changes, threats and
opportunities within the forestry sector; financing mechanisms
for SFM; the role of forestry in climate change mitigation and
adaptation; and the linking of global and local funding
reflected on challenges faced by their countries,
including lack of an adequate institutional framework
and good environmental governance, diverse interests
among government ministries, land use competition,
forest degradation, lack of domestic action to address
adaptation, and illegal mining. |
participants remarked on the need for policy
coherence, among the various agencies involved in
international forest policy, and also among different
ministries at the domestic level. |
on financing mechanisms for SFM practices,
participants discussed the need to mobilize resources
across all sectors within a country to ensure that
resources are effectively used. |