Highlights and images for 4 May 2016



On Wednesday, 4 May 2016, in the morning, delegates to the first meeting of the CBD Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI) heard presentations on: measurement, reporting and verification under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); the environmental performance review process of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); and on the testing of a voluntary peer-review methodology in Ethiopia and India. Delegates then discussed the SBI modus operandi and mechanisms to support the review of implementation, as well as the administration of the Convention, including the functional review of the Secretariat.

In the afternoon, SBI plenary considered: synergies with other biodiversity-related conventions; national reporting; and options for enhancing integration among the Convention and its protocols, and the organization of meetings. Plenary also considered a draft recommendation on progress in the implementation of the Convention and the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and towards the achievement of the Aichi targets. In the evening, a Friends of the Chair group met to address capacity building, technical and scientific cooperation, technology transfer and the Clearinghouse Mechanism.

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web updates from the 20th Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice and the 1st Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation. In addition, IISD Reporting Services has produced a summary and analysis of both meetings which is available in HTML and PDF format.

Katia Karousakis, OECD

L-R: Vinod Mathur, India, and Marina von Weissenberg, Finland

L-R: Maja Stade Aarønæs, Norway, and Sujata Arora, India

Shakeel Bhatti, Secretary of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture