
Highlights and images for 4 November 2022

Montreal, Canada

Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

Closure of MOP 34

Hassan Mubarak, MOP 34 President, gavels the meeting to a close.


Even as delegations lauded the achievements of the Montreal Protocol and described domestic initiatives to implement the Kigali Amendment, the sparsely populated plenary room during Friday morning’s session was a clear sign that much behind-the-scenes work remained for the final day of the 34th Meeting of the Parties (MOP 34).

Contact Groups

Contact groups met throughout the day as minutes ticked away at MOP 34.

Following the high-level statements, delegates heard reports from contact and informal groups. A few groups, including the budget committee, reported they had finalized their work; however, many others requested more time for discussions. The afternoon and early evening were thus dedicated to back-to-back contact groups on issues including: restructuring the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, energy efficiency, the terms of reference for the study on the replenishment of the Multilateral Fund, institutional processes, the proposal by African States on dumping of obsolete appliances, and stocks and quarantine and pre-shipment uses of methyl bromide.

Plenary 1

Delegates convene in plenary before heading back to contact groups to try to finish negotiations.

In the early evening, the preparatory segment convened for a brief stocktake of contact groups’ progress. Parties agreed to forward draft decisions to the high-level segment, and those groups with incomplete work were given additional time. The preparatory segment convened to hear remaining reports from the contact groups and forward decisions to the high-level segment at 11:10 pm.

Maple candies

"Good news, candy. No good news, no candy.” Martin Sirois, OEWG Co-Chair, offers co-facilitators sweet treats if they report good news out of their contact groups.

MOP 34 President Hassan Mubarak then re-opened the high-level segment in order to consider the decisions arising from the week of work. After the adoption of 24 decisions, delegates adopted the report of the meeting. President Mubarak closed the MOP 34 at 1:03 am.

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin summary and analysis of Montreal Protocol MOP 34 will be available on this site on Monday, November 7.

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All ENB photos are free to use with attribution. For the 34th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, please use: Photo by IISD/ENB | Matthew TenBruggencate.

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