UN Environment Assembly – UNEA

The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) is the world’s highest-level decision-making body on the environment, with a universal membership of all 193 UN Member States. UNEA meets biennially to set priorities for global environmental policies and develop international environmental law. The Assembly provides leadership, catalyzes intergovernmental action on the environment, and contributes to the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. UNEA also serves as the governing body of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

UNEA was established as a result of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, also known as Rio+20) in June 2012, where the outcome document, The Future We Want, called on the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to strengthen and upgrade UNEP. The UNGA then adopted resolution 67/213 on strengthening and upgrading UNEP and establishing universal membership of its GC. In March 2013, the UNGA further adopted resolution 67/251, which changed the designation of the UNEP Governing Council (GC) to the UNEA of the UNEP.


Showing 11 - 20 of 29 results

UNEA-5.2, OECPR-5.2 and UNEP@50

Member States adopted 14 resolutions, including to negotiate an international treaty to address plastic pollution and establish a science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution, while celebrating the 50th birthday of the United Nations Environment Programme.
Event 21 February 2022 - 4 March 2022

Youth Environment Assembly 2022

To prepare for UNEA-5, more than 150 youth joined sessions including turning climate anxiety into action, how to effectively express opinions, and the world's way forward on plastic pollution.
Event 19 February 2022 - 20 February 2022

Online Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF)

UNEP Major Groups concluded four days of intensive consultations ahead of the next UN Environment Assembly, adopting a Joint Global Statement and input toward the UNEP@50 political declaration.
Event 7 February 2022 - 10 February 2022

UNEA-5 (Online Session)

The Assembly adopted the UN Environment Programme Medium-Term Strategy for 2022-2025, and the programme of work and budget for the next biennium. It also launched the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the creation of UNEP. During a high-level leadership dialogue, participants outlined their respective country’s contributions to the environmental dimension of sustainable development to building a resilient and inclusive post-pandemic world.
Event 22 February 2021 - 23 February 2021

UN Science-Policy-Business Forum on the Environment (2021)

Delegates from the private sector, civil society, and government met to address issues such as artificial intelligence for environmental action, pollution prevention and management, and integrated solutions for low-carbon, resource-efficient, inclusive societies. The outcomes will inform discussions at UNEA-5.
Event 18 February 2021 - 20 February 2021

5th Meeting of the Open-Ended Committee of Permanent Representatives to UNEP (Online Session)

Delegates considered three decisions for the fifth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5): endorsement of a medium-term strategy (MTS) for 2022-2025, and programme of work and budget for the biennium 2022-2023; the management of trust funds and earmarked contributions; and convening the resumed, in-person sessions of OECPR-5 and UNEA-5.
Event 15 February 2021 - 17 February 2021

Youth Environment Assembly (YEA)

Young people from around the world connected virtually last week for the second Youth Environment Assembly, launching two new platforms for global engagement on environmental issues and mobilizing for action on issues ranging from chemicals and wastes to food security.
Event 12 February 2021 - 20 February 2021

Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF)

Major Groups and Stakeholders cautioned that the proposed Medium-Term Strategy for the UN Environment Programme does not sufficiently commit to protect the human right to a healthy environment and should give more attention to the interface between human and planetary health, among other proposals.
Event 9 February 2021 - 11 February 2021