UNEP - Science Policy Business Forum

Inaugural Regional Session of the UNEP Science-Policy-Business Forum for Asia and the Pacific (AP-SPBF 2021)

5 October 2021 | Online

UN Environment Assembly – UNEA


Sessions focused on key learning on how the Asia-Pacific region can bounce back from the COVID-19 pandemic alongside the impacts of climate-related disasters.

Final report

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UNEP - Science Policy Business Forum

Convening under the theme “Towards a Healthy Rebound for People, Nature and Economies,” the Inaugural Regional Session of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Science-Policy-Business Forum for Asia and the Pacific (AP-SPBF 2021) examined pathways for a sustainable, equitable, and inclusive rebound from COVID-19.

East Asia and the Pacific contain some of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, but also bear the impacts of the majority of the world’s natural disasters. The AP-SPBF explored how ambitious, coordinated action from governments, business, and society can act by transforming social and economic systems to put nature and its value at the heart of our actions and decisions.

The programme included:

  • A high-level opening session, based on the theme of the Forum;
  • A session on Towards Greater Transparency and Sustainable Investment: Turning the Tide on Ocean Plastic Pollution; and
  • A session on Mitigating Zoonotic Diseases–Healthy Planet Healthy People.

The meeting is the first of the UN Science-Policy-Business Forum on the Environment’s (UN-SPBF) regional mechanisms and will be launched in conjunction with the 4th session of the Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia-Pacific, hosted by the Republic of Korea.

The UN-SPBF, which was launched at UNEA-3 in December 2017, is a framework designed to strengthen the interface between science, policy, business, and society. It convenes in conjunction with, and feeds into, the UNEA process.

Funding for Earth Negotiations Bulletin coverage of AP-SPBF 2021 has been provided by UN-SPBF.


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Inaugural Regional Session of the UNEP Science-Policy-Business Forum for Asia and the Pacific (AP-SPBF 2021)

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