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Thu 16
Fri 17 & Summary

Ad Hoc Open-ended Informal Working Group to study issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction

13-17 February 2006
| UN Headquarters, New York

Highlights from Thursday, 16 February 2006


Co-Chairs Juan Manuel Gomez-Robledo and Philip Burgess

Left to right: Karen Sack, Greenpeace, listed the necessary elements of a new UNCLOS implementation agreement, including: specific obligations to protect high seas biodiversity based on precaution, the ecosystem approach, sustainability and equity; the recognition of the high seas as an area of scientific value and a natural reserve part of the common heritage of mankind; the prohibition of highly destructive fishing practices and sustainable fisheries management; definition of criteria and guidelines for MPAs; an obligation to establish regional environmental management organizations and a management plan for marine reserves, and to require a prior environmental impact assessment; the creation of a centralised monitoring, control and surveillance agency, a secretariat and a scientific committee; and provision for long-term funding and a timetable for review.

Robert Ovetz, Sea Turtle Restoration Project, highlighted the adverse impact of longline fishing on leatherback turtles, and urged States to comply with the General Assembly resolutions on destructive fishing practices.

Lee Kimball, IUCN, called for further work on MPAs, stronger international cooperation and capacity building on MSR, and building upon existing principles and approaches.

Miscellaneous Photos
EU delegates consult after the meeting adjourns

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