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12th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
Ouagadougou; 11-14 December 2000

Coverage of Monday, 11 December, 2000

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The Twelfth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer opens today at the Ouagadougou 2000 International Conference Centre in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, and will continue until 14 December. The meeting will consist of a preparatory segment from 11-12 December followed by a high-level segment from 13-14 December. Approximately 300 participants are expected to attend the meeting.

During the preparatory segment delegates will consider issues and draft decisions regarding, inter alia: proposed adjustment to the controlled substance in Annex E (proposed correction to the Beijing Adjustments); the need for further adjustments to the phase-out schedule for hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) for developing countries (Article 5 Parties); measures to facilitate the transition from chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)-based metered dose inhalers (MDIs); data reporting; ratification of the Convention, Protocol and its amendments; a long-term strategy for the collection, storage, disposal and destruction of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and equipment containing such substances; essential-use-exemption applications; measures to make halons available for essential/critical uses in Article 5 Parties; prevention of illegal trade in ODS and products containing ODS; and new ODS. Other items on the agenda include compliance issues considered by the Implementation Committee, the financial statement and budget for the trust fund for the Protocol, and the selection of Implementation Committee members, Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund members and the Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) Co-Chairs.


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Fidele Hien, Minister for the Environment and Water, Burkino Faso, welcomed participants to Ouagadougou.  He highlighted his country's ratification of all major environmental conventions and efforts to address the use and import of ODS.  

Michael Graber, Deputy Secretary and Officer in Charge, Ozone Secretariat, spoke on behalf of Klaus Töpfer to point delegates' attention to some of the key agenda items. 

Co-Chairs John Ashe, Antigua and Barbuda (R) and Milton Catelin, Australia.  In his opening remarks, Catelin encouraged delegates to focus on completing the work at hand.

The EC proposed the formation of a contact group to discuss the EU proposal to adjust the phase-out schedule of HCFCs for developing countries (Article 5 Parties).

China objected to an accelerated phase-out of HCFCs, noting the importance of discussing alternative technologies.

Greenpeace highlighted the advantages to developing countries of leap-frogging HCFC technologies.
Brazil was asked to facilitate discussion on Article 5 Party phase-out of HCFCs in a contact group meeting during the afternoon.
Switzerland suggested linking the disposal of ODS with work done through the newly negotiated convention on persistent organic pollutants (POPs). 
Japan supported the establishment of a contact group to discuss phase-out of CFC-based meter-dosed inhalers (MDIs).
The Dominican Republic highlighted the extent of asthmatic problems in his country, and the need to maintain exemptions for essential use of CFC-based MDI products for Article 5 Parties.
The Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) suggested several changes in its membership that were accepted by the delegates.
Delegates from Sri Lanka confer among themselves.

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