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12th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
Ouagadougou; 11-14 December 2000

Coverage of Wednesday, 13 December, 2000

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The high-level segment of MOP-12 began with an opening ceremony including remarks from dignitaries and cultural performances. Delegates also elected the Bureau for MOP-12, received reports from the Assessment Panels, and heard statements by implementing agencies and heads of delegations. In the afternoon, the preparatory segment reconvened briefly to address the proposed correction to the Beijing Adjustments and financial matters.


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Fidèle Hien, Minister of the Environment and Water of Burkina Faso, opened the high-level segment with a statement on his country's strong environmental stance.

Roberto Stadthagen-Vogl (Nicaragua), president of MOP-11, noted that the hole in the ozone layer over the Southern Hemisphere is 100 times the size of Burkina Faso.


An exhibition of Burkinabe drumming and dancing provided a short interlude during the high-level segment.

UNEP Executive Director Klaus Töpfer distributed awards to the national ozone units of Uruguay, Burkina Faso and Bahrain, and stressed the need for continued action on ODS issues.

Zepherin Diabre, UNDP Assistant Administrator, addressed the balancing of human development and environmental protection.



A second group of dancers and drummers provided an athletic display of traditional entertainment.

Blaise Campaoré, president of Burkina Faso, drew attention to the linkages between environmental and development issues.


China registered and objection to the presence of Taiwan as a diplomatic entity at the opening ceremonies.
Delegates elected Milton Catelin (Australia) as MOP-12 President, Fidèle Hien (Burkino Faso), Mario Rono (Philippines) and Jiri Hlavacek (Czech Republic, left) as MOP-12 Vice Presidents, and Roberto Stadthagen-Vogl (Nicaragua) as Rapporteur.
Ashley Woodcock (UK), Co-Chair of the aerosols TOC, reported that technical barriers to CFC-free MDIs are being overcome. Peter Aucamp (South Africa) presented the findings of the Scientific Assessment Panel.
Heinrich Kraus, Executive Committee Co-Chair of the Multilateral Fund, presented the committee's report.
Delegation statements were given in the afternoon, with Japan urging Parties to make effective use of the limited resources available to ensure success of the Protocol.
Klaus Töpfer described the Montreal Protocol and the work of the delegates at MOP-12 during a press conference in the afternoon. 
Rajendra Shendre, Chief, Energy and OzonAction Unit, guides Klaus Töpfer through his newly released CD-ROM on the OzonAction Strategic Information System (OASIS). The United Nations Environment Programme Division of Technology, Industry and Economics also launched a book entitled Patterns of Achievement: Africa and the Montreal Protocol and nnounced a new business-to-business web portal at 

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