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12th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
Ouagadougou; 11-14 December 2000

Coverage of Tuesday, 12 December, 2000

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The flags of Burkina Faso and the United Nations flying over the Ouaga2000 conference center.

On the second day of the preparatory segment of MOP-12, delegates considered draft decisions on the prevention of illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and equipment containing ODS, and on process agents. They also heard the report of the Implementation Committee and considered the draft decisions it proposed. Parties also raised other matters. The contact groups on the phase-out schedule for HCFCs for developing countries, the transition from CFC-based MDIs and budgetary matters continued to meet, reporting back to Plenary. 

The entrance to the main building of Ouaga2000, where the conference is taking place.  A second building houses secretariat functions and additional meeting rooms.


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Canada supported Poland and others in a revised draft decision on monitoring of international trade and the prevention of illegal trade in ODS and ODS-containing products.

Co-Chair Catelin was able to proceed through much of the day's work in the morning session, allowing delegates to recess and break into contact groups for several hours in the afternoon.

During the break between segments, delegates schedule rooms for the next day.

Everton Vargas (Brazil) reported on the progress of the contact group on the HCFC phase-out schedule for developing countries (Article 5 Parties), noting that the role of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel ( TEAP) study remains unclear.

Tom Batchelor (European Commission) presented a draft decision on facilitating the transition to CFC-free meter-dosed inhalers (MDIs).

Co-Chair Ashe met bilaterally with Japan over a provision in a draft decision on financial matters regarding MOP host countries' financial obligation. The issue was deferred to   the high-level segment.
Cuba called delegates' attention to a meeting of the Bureau to the Vienna Convention, which met to discuss problems in funding implementation of COP Decision V/3 regarding capacity building for ozone monitoring and research in developing countries.
Participants at an information fair describe an apparatus to recycle CFC gases from heating and air conditioning systems.
The conference center lies off a street that, at noon, is used only by children on a walk.
The main  entrance of Oaga2000.
Buses are available to transport delegates to and from the meetings, but during sessions the parking lot is largely empty.
The view from outside the conference center.

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