
Students exhibiting a model illustrating the destruction of the ozone layer and what can be done to protect it
Highlights from Wednesday, 1 November
During afternoon and evening plenary sessions, delegates discussed compliance and data reporting issues, and heard updates on contact groups that met throughout the day, including the groups on: CUNs and methyl bromide-related matters; disclosure of interest guidelines; budgets; difficulties faced by some Article 5 parties manufacturing CFC-based MDIs; Canada's proposal to adjust the Protocol to meet the basic domestic needs of Article 5 parties; and cooperation on QPS with the IPPC. Contact groups met throughout the day. |
Paul Horwitz, Deputy Executive Secretary, Ozone Secretariat, Co-Chair Tom Land, and Marco González, Executive Secretary, Ozone Secretariat |
Co-Chair Tom Land (left)
The President of the Implementation Committee (ImpCom), Mikheil Tushishvili , Georgia (right), presented a summary of ImpCom's thirty-sixth and thirty-seventh meetings. He discussed key items including: progress on data reporting by most parties; clarification of deviations in data; Bangladesh 's notification of non-compliance; approval and monitoring of compliance plans of action; and the need for parties to establish licensing systems. |
Khaled Klaly, Syria, intervening during the morning plenary |
William Ehlers and Roberto Marvid, Uruguay (left), and EC delegates chatting before the morning session (right)
The Russian Federation intervening during Plenary |
Stockpiles contact group Chair Maas Goote, Netherlands (left) and Sonia Mylona and Alice Gaustad, Norway (right) |
On disclosure of interest guidelines for groups such as the TEAP and its TOCs, contact group Chair Paul Krajnik, Austria (right), explained that participants had failed to reach consensus on a revised version of Canada's proposal and suggested participants undertake bilateral consultations to consider whether to revisit the TEAP's existing code of conduct. |
Pierre Pinault, Canada, with Patrick McInerney, Australia, discussing issues related to the methyl bromide contact group
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Delegates during the IPCC/TEAP contact group |
Delegates during the IPCC/TEAP contact group |
Contact group on future challenges Co-Chairs Philippe Chemouny, Canada, and Marcia Levaggi, Argentina, and Deputy Executive Secretary Paul Horwitz chatting with Jozef Buys, Belgium |
Nik Kiddle, New Zealand, consulting during the contact group on future challenges |
Marcia Levaggi, Argentina, speaks with a delegate from China (left) and Jozef Buys, Belgium with EU delegates |
Rajendra Shende, Head of OzonAction Programme, Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE), UNEP, Anil Kumar Bachoo, Minister of Environment and National Development Unit, Mauritius, and Marco González, Executive Secretary, Ozone Secretariat |
Arjun Kumar and Sanya Anand, Delhi Public School students, in a theatrical performance highlighting the dangers of not protecting the ozone layer |
Anil Kumar Bachoo, Minister of the Environment and National Development Unit, Mauritius (left), Sanya Anand and Arjun Kumar with Rajni Saxena, Delhi Public School System (center), and Marco González, Executive Secretary, Ozone Secretariat |
Mugure Kibe Ursulet and Anne-Marie Fenner, Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE), UNEP, introducing the OzonAction Education Pack (left); and Anil Kumar Bachoo and Marco González (right) |
Presentation of OzonAction educational materials translated into Hindi |
Ian Rae, TEAP, interventing in Plenary (left) and Executive Secretary Marco González with former Ozone Executive Secretary Madhava Sharma (right) |