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global Preparations  

PrepCom 1
PrepCom 2
PrepCom 3
PrepCom 4
Friends of the Chair Meeting, 17 July 2002

Bureau Meetings

Global Roundtables

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PrepCom 1

UN Headquarters, New York
30 April - 2 May 2001

CSD-10, acting as the Preparatory Committee for the World Summit on Sustainable Development, took place at UN Headquarters in New York from 30 April to 2 May 2001. Over 600 participants attended the session, including representatives of governments, intergovernmental organizations, NGOs and other major groups and stakeholders. The preparatory session was held in accordance with UN General Assembly resolution 55/199.

Outcome of Meeting: The session elected the Bureau members, considered organizational matters and deliberated on the following agenda items: progress in the preparatory activities at the local, national, regional and international levels, as well as by major groups; the process for setting the agenda and determining possible main themes for the Summit; specific modalities for future preparatory meetings, including matters of accreditation for NGOs; and the rules of procedure for the Summit. The session also prepared and adopted five draft decisions. Although there was little contention over most issues, there was some debate regarding the number of Vice-Presidents at the Summit, the timing for reporting back to the Preparatory Committee during their second and third sessions by UNEP's task force on International Environmental Governance (IEG), input to the review by major groups and other international organizations and the need for transparent open-ended consultations in the Bureau.

In marked contrast to the visible divisions that characterized the ninth session of the CSD, which concluded late on Saturday, 28 April, the first preparatory session for the Summit ended early on a positive note. Following the three-day preparatory session, there was clear agreement on the organizational aspects leading up to the Summit, including consensus on the specific modalities of future preparatory meetings, a tentative organization of work for the Summit (with the dates for the meeting finally confirmed), and arrangements for the accreditation and participation of NGOs and other major groups throughout the preparatory process and at the Summit.

Statements from Multi-Stakeholder Panels: A multi-stakeholder panel was held at the beginning of PrepCom I. Major group representatives presented the views of their constituencies. The following statements were made by representatives of the Scientific and Technological Community, Business and Industry, Indigenous Peoples, Trade Unions, Local Authorities, Women, Farmers, Youth, and the South African NGO Host Committee for the World Summit. 


  ENB's Complete Coverage of PrepCom I

PrepCom 1 documents
Statement of under-secretary Nitin Desai to PrepCom1
Decisions of PrepCom 1

PrepCom 2

UN Headquarters, New York
28 January - 8 February 2002


The Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), acting as the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) for the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), met for its second session from 28 January to 8 February 2002 at UN headquarters in New York. The session was attended by over 1000 representatives of governments, UN agencies and convention secretariats, international organizations, and the nine Major Groups.


The purpose of the session was to conduct a comprehensive review and assessment of progress achieved in the implementation of Agenda 21, including the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21, as adopted in 1997 (A/RES/S-19/2), and to agree on a document that could form the basis of negotiations at the Committee's next session in late March. The Commission agreed to transmit to its third session the Chairman's Paper as the basis for negotiation, and adopted the Chairman's Report, to which are annexed the Chairman's Summary of the Second Preparatory Session, the Chairman's Summary of the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue Segment, and the Proposals for Partnerships/Initiatives to Strengthen the Implementation of Agenda 21.


At the conclusion of the session, participants were able to return to their capitals and missions with reports of veritable successes from PrepCom II, counting among their achievements, the production of a Paper that will provide a basis for negotiation at PrepCom III, meaningful dialogue with stakeholders, agreement to initiate discussion on sustainable development governance, and rallying support for partnerships and outputs that could result in voluntary initiatives.

ENB Summary report and Daily Coverage, including image and Real Audio

Official UN website for PrepCom-II - includes links to all documents for the meeting.




Chairman's Paper, 11 February 2002

Chairman's summary of the discussion on the comprehensive review and assessment of progress achieved in the implementation of Agenda 21 and the other outcomes of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, as well as the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21, 11 February 2002

Proposals For Partnerships/Initiatives to Strengthen The Implementation of Agenda21, 11 February 2002
Chairman's Summary of the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue Segment, 11 February 2002

Statement by the Chairman, 8 February 2002

Add. 1: Revised List of Issues and Proposals for Discussion Related to Section K

List of Issues and Proposals for Discussion

Provisional Agenda
CSD acting as preparatory committee for WSSD: Second preparatory Session, E/CN.17/2002/PC.2/1

Proposed Organization of Work

Programme of Meetings and Activities for the second session of CSD10 acting as the Preparatory Committee for the WSSD


PrepCom 3

UN Headquarters, New York
25 March - 5 April 2002

The Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), acting as the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) for the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), met for its third session from 25 March to 5 April 2002, at UN headquarters in New York. Nearly 1500 representatives of governments, UN agencies and convention Secretariats, international organizations, and Major Groups attended.


The purpose of the session was to consider the Chairman's Paper transmitted from PrepCom II, address ways of strengthening the institutional framework for sustainable development, evaluate and define the role and programme of work of the CSD, and agree on a document containing review and assessment, as well as conclusions and recommendations for further actions.


The first week of PrepCom III was dedicated to preliminary consideration of the Chairman's Paper, with discussions on the subsequent compilation text taking place during the second week. The PrepCom also held preliminary discussions on an informal paper on sustainable development governance, prepared by the Bureau on the basis of comments made during PrepCom II. In addition, delegates began consideration of Type 2 outcomes (partnerships/initiatives).


PrepCom Chair Emil Salim's (Indonesia) hopes of producing a negotiated text for PrepCom IV were dashed, as delegates trudged through the Chairman's Paper and the subsequent compilation text. As participants departed, many reflected on persistent frustrations arising from what boiled down to insufficient guidance on the content, process and direction of the PrepCom. The situation was aggravated by UN budget cuts that stifled regional consultations, curtailed night sessions and prevented timely and adequate availability of documentation. As a result, the Bureau will have its work cut out for it in the coming weeks as its members prepare a new "consensus" text to replace the compilation text and a text on sustainable development governance, which will be negotiated during PrepCom IV, as well as a paper on partnerships.


ENB Summary Report, Analysis and Daily Coverage of PrepCom III

Official UN website of PrepCom III, includes links to all documents



Chairman's Paper, A/CONF.199/PC/L.1

Provisional Agenda: PrepCom 3, A/CONF.199/PC/1


PrepCom III in the News (compiled by Michael Strauss, Director, International Media Advocacy for NGOs at the 2002 Summit)

Environmentalists Say U.S. Hijacking UN Summit - Reuters, 5 April:

Greenpeace Accuses U.S. of Trying to Undo 30 Years of Efforts to Clean the Environment - AP, The Star, Malaysia, 5 April: 

Consensus Eludes Preparatory Meeting - U.N. Wire, 8 April: 

South Africa Sees US On-Side at UN Summit - Reuters, 10 April: 


PrepCom 4

Bali, Indonesia

27 May - 7 June 2002

The tenth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) acting as the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) for the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) took place from 27 May to 7 June 2002, at the Bali International Convention Center in Bali, Indonesia. The session was preceded by informal consultations held on 25-26 May at the same venue to consider the Revised Chairman's Paper (A/CONF.199/PC/L.1/Rev.1).


During the session, delegates produced the Draft Plan of Implementation for the WSSD (A/CONF.199/PC/L.5/Rev.1), which was transmitted to the Summit in Johannesburg for further negotiation. They also agreed on the modalities for the organization of work during the Summit (A/CONF.199/PC/L.7) and, based on the consultations held, mandated PrepCom Chair Emil Salim (Indonesia) to prepare elements for a political declaration and post them on the Johannesburg Summit website by the end of June 2002. Negotiations on the implementation plan were conducted in working groups and contact groups, while the Plenary, Multi-Stakeholder Dialogues and High-Level Ministerial Segment provided input for the implementation plan and the political declaration. There were also informal consultations on partnerships.


Although the session had hoped to conclude negotiation of the implementation plan, round-the-clock negotiations by ministers during the last three days of the session failed to produce consensus on key aspects of the plan, particularly on trade, finance and globalization. Thus, it was agreed to revert the basis of negotiations of these sections to the Facilitator's compromise text from Wednesday, 5 June. Among the outstanding issues are the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, trade and finance, and energy.


  Click here for ENB's complete coverage, including photos and Real Audio, and coverage of side-events.

  Indonesia's PC IV site

  Indonesia's national site for PC IV

  Indonesian People's Forum


Earth Negotiations Bulletin - written and edited by IISD; version française
27 May • 28 May • 29 May • 30 May • 31 May • 1 June •  3 June • 4 June • 5 June • 6 June • 7 June


ENB on the side - selected side event coverage by IISD
27 May • 28 May • 29 May • 30 May • 31 May • 3 June • 4 June • 5 June • 6 June • 7 June


Taking Issue - written by SDIN partners
29 May • 30 May • 31 May • 3 June • 4 June • 5 June • 6 June • 7 June


Eco-Equity - written by a coalition of environmental and development NGOs
27 May • 28 May • 29 May • 30 May • 31 May
• 3 June • 4 June • 5 June • 6 June • 7 June

Outreach 2002 - UNED Forum with input from major groups input
27 May • 28 May
• 29 May • 30 May • 31 May • 3 June • 4 June • 5 June • 6 June • 7 June



  Proposed Elements for the Political Declaration

Revised, 8 July 2002

  Draft Plan of Implementation, 12 June advance unedited; Secretariat Review of Plan of Implementation, 29 June

  Vice-Chair's Summary on Partnerships, Annex: Guiding Principles for Partnerships

  Chair's Summary of Multi-Stakeholder Dialogues

  A Guide on Potential Partnerships on ENERGY for Sustainable Development


Draft Plan of Implementation of 2 June 2002

Chair's Text for Negotiation

Co-Chair's text on an Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development

New FAQ (frequently asked questions) resource on Type 2 partnerships

Organization of work during the PrepCom4 for the WSSD

Programme Table

Letter from the Chair

Chair's Letter on Modalities of Work


Friends of the chair meeting


An informal "Friends of the Chair" meeting will take place in New York on Wednesday 17 July 2002 to work on the draft programme of action. A group of 25 nations designated by South African President Thabo Mbeki will come up with approaches to solve, but not negotiate, the unresolved issues in the draft programme. The 25 nations due to attend includes the Group of Eight industrialized nations Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the United States as well as Argentina, Brazil, China and Denmark. Others due to attend were Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Jordan, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Senegal, Sweden, Uganda and Venezuela. Click here for more.


Global Roundtables

Global Roundtables aim to bring experts from different backgrounds together to discuss a variety of issues. These roundtables will be an opportunity for non-political and unrestricted discussions of regional progress and future directions. Suggestions from the roundtables will be available to the CSD PrepCom meetings.

WSSD International Eminent Persons' Meeting on Inter-Linkages:
Strategies for Bridging Problems and Solutions to Work towards Sustainable Development

Tokyo, Japan
3 - 4 September 2001

This meeting took place from 3-4 September 2001 at the United Nations University in Tokyo, Japan. The meeting, organized by the United Nations University (UNU), the Japanese Ministries of the Environment and Foreign Affairs, and the Global Legislators Organization for a Balanced Environment (GLOBE) International, was attended by over 70 participants, including representatives of governments, the academic and scientific communities, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, and the secretariats of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs). The purpose of this meeting was to: review the state of the environment based on linkages between issues; examine the problems and challenges arising from such linkages and their policy responses; and assess how such issues could best be addressed within preparatory processes leading to the WSSD to be held in Johannesburg 2002. Participants met in three working groups focusing on inter-linkages in Agenda 21, inter-linkages among MEAs, and strategies for sustainable development. The official website for the meeting is, which includes background documents.


Sustainable Development coverage of this meeting, including photos, real audio clips and a summary report, is available at:


Click here for UNU's Report on this meeting


For further information, please contact:

The UNU Public Affairs Section: Tel. (03) 5467-1243 & -1246; Fax (03) 3406 7346




Second Meeting of the Bureau

Geneva, 16 - 18 July 2001


The second meeting of the Bureau took place in Geneva from 16-18 July 2001. The Bureau agreed that the Eminent Persons Roundtables have made a significant contribution to the Summit preparatory process and discussed common points that arose from the Roundtables, supporting an initiative to organize a joint panel or side-event that would bring together the Chairpersons of all Regional Roundtables during the 56th session of the UN General Assembly.

The Bureau met with Executive Heads and senior officials of the World Bank, the International Labour Organization (ILO), UNCTAD, World Trade Organization (WTO), World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Worl Health Organization (WHO), UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and UNEP's Regional Office for Europe (UNEP/ROE) to discuss the contributions from the various organizations to the Summit and its preparatory process. In addition, the Bureau met with representatives of Geneva-based and European NGOs to discuss their expected contributions to the Summit and involvement in the preparations. The Bureau then briefed the representatives of major groups on the results of its own work, as well as the overall progress in the preparations for the Summit. Representatives from major groups were encouraged to elaborate their common platforms and circulate them broadly in advance of the Second PrepCom. It was agreed that the Secretariat would further facilitate communication and exchange of information between the Bureau and representatives of major groups.

Click here for the complete Note on the Outcome of the Second Meeting of the Bureau


Third Meeting of the Bureau

Jakarta, 5 - 6 September 2001


The third meeting of the Bureau took place from 5-6 September 2001 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The meeting was chaired by H.E. Mr. Emil Salim, Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the Summit and was held in conjunction with the Business Forum organized by Indonesia in collaboration with the WSSD Secretariat. During this meeting, the Bureau: assessed the state of preparations for the Johannesburg Summit, focusing on the regional and sub-regional levels; considered specific details of the programme of work for the second session of the Preparatory Committee, planned for 28 January – 8 February 2002 in New York; underscored the importance of issues of sustainable development governance in the Summit agenda; decided on the organization of multi-stakeholder dialogues during the second PrepCom session; and agreed on the Bureau's activities leading up to the second PrepCom session.

In taking stock of the state of regional preparations, members of the Bureau raised concerns that regional assessments were not always based on national assessments, that they did not place enough emphasis on the economic and social aspects of sustainable development and that some regional processes were primarily concentrating on global issues rather than regional platforms. The Bureau also underscored the need for UNDP to go beyond supporting countries in undertaking their national assessments and to become more actively involved in the preparatory process.

Click here for the complete Note on the Outcome of the Third Bureau Meeting


Fourth Meeting of the Bureau

1-2 October 2001


The Fourth meeting of the Bureau took place in New York from 1-2 October 2001. The Bureau assessed the state of preparations for the Johannesburg Summit at the regional and sub-regional levels and considered further details of the programme of work during the second session of the Preparatory Committee for the Summit. In addition, the Bureau met with representatives of the UN Office of the Coordinator of Humanitarian Affairs to discuss links between WSSD and UN activities in the area of natural disaster reduction, and with the Bureau of the Executive Board of UNDP and the Bureau of the Preparatory Committee for the International Conference on Financing for Development to discuss linkages between preparations for the Summit and the other two intergovernmental processes, in particular how these processes could support each other and achieve synergies.  

Click here for the complete Note on the Outcome of the Fourth Bureau Meeting


Fifth Meeting of the Bureau

1 November 2001
The fifth meeting of the Bureau took place in New York from 1-2 November 2001. The Bureau was briefed on the state of preparations for the Summit and the outcomes of the preparatory meetings for the African and Latin American and Caribbean regions. The Bureau also met with the Global Environment Facility (GEF), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to discuss each organization's WSSD-related activities. The GEF informed the Bureau that it was convening four thematic roundtables focusing on Energy, Forest and Biodiversity, Land, Water and Food Security, and Cross-Cutting Issues (such as financing for environmental sustainability). These Roundtables will be held on the margins of planned meetings such as the Second PrepCom and the Financing for Development Conference to ensure high-level participation. The IMF noted that promoting high quality sustainable growth required taking social and environmental concerns into account, further stating that it was tracking government spending on social sectors. The IMF reaffirmed that its role in the Summit process will include continuing to work with the UN World Bank and OECD to achieve the Millennium Declaration Goals through market access, equitable foreign investment and increased ODA. The World Back briefed the Bureau on the progress of the World Development Report, stating that the report will carry out a comprehensive review of existing development strategies, with a focus on the social and environmental impacts of these strategies. The Bureau suggested that the report also address the issue of unsustainable patterns of consumption and production. The Bureau decided that it would meet with all three groups again in Washington in December to further discuss their roles in the Summit process. Bureau members then approved the main issues for the brainstorming sessions planned from 15-16 January 2002 in New York.

Click here for the complete Note on the Outcome of the Fifth Bureau Meeting


Sixth Meeting of the Bureau

7 December 2001

The sixth meeting of the CSD-10 Bureau took place on 7 December 2001 in Washington, DC. The Bureau reviewed preparations for the "brainstorming sessions" scheduled to take place from 16-17 January 2002 in New York. The Bureau agreed that although the brainstorming sessions are primarily meant to facilitate governments' preparations for the second PrepCom, CSD rules will apply to the participation of Major Groups. The brainstorming sessions will address: key themes for the Summit emerging from the regional preparatory processes; possible outcomes of WSSD with a focus on strengthening implementation and launching partnerships at the global, regional and national levels; and implications for the institutional framework for sustainable development. The Bureau met with Washington-based NGOs to inform them about the Summit preparatory and the multi-stakeholder process and exchange views on the emerging themes and desired outcomes of the Summit. The Bureau also met with the GEF Council and the World Bank. The GEF announced its contributions to the Summit preparations, including roundtables on energy and climate change, forests and biodiversity, and land, water and food security. GEF will also organize two Ministerial Roundtables on financing for environmental sustainability, with an emphasis on non-ODA finance, to be held in conjunction with the Conference on Financing for Development and the fourth WSSD Preparatory Committee meeting in Jakarta. Each of those roundtables will submit a report with recommendations to the WSSD Preparatory Committee. In discussions with the World Bank, it was suggested that the Summit focus on a limited number of priority themes to maximize the impact of the Summit. The World Bank also announced its inputs to the Johannesburg process, including a study on innovative financing for sustainable development in cooperation with UNEP and IMF, a study on poverty-environment linkages in cooperation with UNDP and DFID (UK), and a study on land and water management for food security in cooperation with GEF and CGIAR. The next Bureau meeting is expected to convene on 14 January 2002 in New York.

Click here for the complete Note on the Outcome of the Sixth Bureau Meeting



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