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Daily Web Updates/
Summary and Analysis

IISD Reporting Services (IISD RS) has produced daily web udates and a summary and analysis from this meeting. To download our report, click the HTML or PDF icons below.
Summary Report English version French version
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Biodiversity Policy & Practice

Fifth session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGR)

24-28 September 2013 | Muscat, Oman

Daily web highlights (click on the following links to see our daily web pages)
Highlights for Thursday, 26 September 2013
In the morning, ITPGR delegates discussed the Global Information System on PGRFA, operations of the Third Party Beneficiary, the Governing Body’s business plan and development of a multi-year programme of work, and matters relevant to the Treaty arising from FAO reform. The contact group agreed on establishment of an intersessional working group with the mandate to develop measures to increase user-based payments and contributions to the benefit-sharing fund, and then enhance the functioning of the Multilateral System by additional measures. Delegates simplified language on the tasks of the working group and on preliminary studies to be undertaken by the Secretariat; and reached agreement on most related paragraphs in the draft resolution.

In the afternoon, plenary concluded the discussions on the programme of work on sustainable use of PGRFA with one outstanding issue remaining, and began considering the report of the Compliance Committee and its recommendations regarding the Committee’s rules of procedure and the standard reporting format.
View of the contact group on the terms of reference for intersessional work to expand benefit-sharing and enhance the functioning of the MLS
The contact group dias (L-R): Clive Stannard, FAO; Kent Nadozie, ITPGR; and Co-Chairs Modesto Fernández (Cuba) and Grethe Evjen (Norway)
Saulo Ceolin (Brazil)
Bert Visser (the Netherlands) speaking for the European Regional Group in the Contact Group
René Lefeber (the Netherlands) interim chair of the Compliance Committee
Delegates of the European Regional Group during discussions on sustainable use
Panel of the side event on the resource allocation strategy of the benefit-sharing fund. Co-organized by the Swiss Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research, and Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD), this event discussed shortcomings of the current approach to resource allocation used by the Benefit-sharing Fund and options for improving resource allocation, including support initiatives that facilitate cooperation or enhance mechanisms for non-monetary benefit-sharing.
Daily web highlights (click on the following links to see our daily web pages)
Related Links
Meeting resources

bulletMeeting website

bulletMeeting documents

bulletMeeting provisional agenda

bulletMeeting side events

bulletITPGR website

bulletText treaty

IISD RS resources

bulletIISD RS coverage of the Eleventh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 11) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 8-19 October 2012, Hyderabad, India

bulletIISD RS coverage of the Selected Side Events at CBD COP 11, 8-19 October 2012, Hyderabad, India

bulletIISD RS coverage of ITPGR GB 4, 14-18 March 2011, Bali, Indonesia

bulletIISD RS coverage of ITPGR GB 3, 1-5 June 2009, Tunis, Tunisiaa

bulletIISD RS coverage of ITPGR GB 2, 29 October - 2 November 2007, UN Headquarters, Rome, Italy

bulletIISD RS coverage of ITPGR GB 1, 12-16 June 2006, Madrid, Spain

bulletIISD RS archive of meetings on the Commission on Genetic Resources (CGRFA) and ITPGRFA

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