Climate Actions

Highlights and images for 12 June 2024

Bonn, Germany

As the June Climate Conference enters its final days, delegates huddle during informal consultations on the Just Transition Work Programme

As the June Climate Conference enters its final days, delegates huddle during informal consultations on the Just Transition Work Programme

Tension was palpable across the venue on the penultimate day of the 2024 June Climate Conference. Negotiators were keen to find agreement on outstanding issues—or at least ensure that discussions held in Bonn could feed into the next session of climate negotiations, which are scheduled for November 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan. 

Want to dig deeper into today's talks? Read the full Earth Negotiations Bulletin daily report.

Negotiator huddles sprouted all around the World Conference Center. At times, it was individual negotiating groups that needed to coordinate their joint position on revised texts. In other cases, huddles had delegates from different negotiating groups come together to deliberate in a more candid and direct setting.

Delegates listen intently as various issues are discussed throughout the day

Delegates listen intently as various issues are discussed throughout the day

Some of these huddles were more successful than others. Those convened in the informal consultations addressing the cooperative implementation of the Paris Agreement (Article 6) were especially productive. After a lengthy discussion, negotiators working on non-market approaches (Article 6.8) agreed to forward substantive draft conclusions to the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) for adoption in its joint closing plenary with the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI).

Negotiators focused on Paris Agreement Article 6.2 (direct cooperation) and 6.4 (international mechanism) managed to develop agreed language on the, at least for now, exclusion of emission avoidance and conservation enhancement activities. Despite this success, no agreement could be reached on the draft conclusions as such, with the Like-Minded Developing Countries and the Arab Group underscoring the need for balance across agenda items.

Many other negotiations remained stuck—especially those on the mitigation work programme, the just transition work programme, and research and systematic observation. Delegates working on the Global Goal on Adaptation and on response measures convened for another round of informal consultations in the evening.

Mandated events took place largely unfazed by the negotiations. In these events, delegates reflected on, among others, ocean-based climate action and the consistency of financial flows with a climate-resilient development pathway.

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All ENB photos are free to use with attribution. For the Bonn Climate Change Conference 2024, please use: Photo by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth.
