Climate Actions

Highlights and images for 13 June 2024

Bonn, Germany

After a long two weeks of work, the June Climate Conference is gavelled to a close

After a long two weeks of work, the June Climate Conference is gavelled to a close

As is often the case, much remained up in the air at the outset of the 2024 June Climate Conference’s last day. The only issue that made it onto the negotiation schedule during the day was the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA). Discussions on all other outstanding issues were conducted informally, leaving most delegates to frantically refresh the webpage of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to see if any new draft conclusions had made an appearance.

Delegates review the new text on the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA)

Delegates review the new text on the GGA

Throughout the afternoon, more and more such documents were posted. On a number of issues, delegates could not reach agreement on substance, but most agreed to continue consideration of the respective matters at the next meeting in Baku—taking into account discussions held in Bonn, as captured in informal notes.

The closing plenary of the UNFCCC’s Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) eventually convened in the evening. Despite hours of consultations at various levels, no resolution could be found on the mitigation work programme, which aims to foster the urgent scaling up of mitigation ambition and implementation in this critical decade in a manner that complements the Global Stocktake (GST).

Delegates watch the proceedings from the gallery

Delegates watch the proceedings from the gallery

Many, such as the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), the European Union, and the Environmental Integrity Group, underscored the need to adopt a substantive decision on mitigation at the next meeting in Baku, in November 2024. They noted it needs to respond to the outcome of the first GST under the Paris Agreement and inform the preparation of nationally determined contributions that are aligned with 1.5°C pathways.

Harry Vreuls, SBSTA Chair

Harry Vreuls, SBSTA Chair

Various groups and parties expressed disappointment over conclusions adopted in relation to the GGA and the issue of research and systematic observation. With respect to the latter, many parties underscored the importance of identifying research needs to inform a targeted response by the scientific community, and invited the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to consider better aligning its seventh assessment cycle with processes under the UNFCCC.

Executive Secretary Simon Stiell underscored that business-as-usual is a recipe for failure and that success requires getting more serious about bridging divides.

In their closing statements, many parties emphasized the need to, among others:

  • define an ambitious new collective quantified goal on climate finance in line with developing countries’ needs;
  • implement the outcome of the first GST, including with regard to enhanced mitigation;
  • speed up work on adaptation indicators; and
  • operationalize and ensure adequate capitalization of the new loss and damage fund.

The meetings were gavelled to a close at 1:06 am on Friday, 14 June 2024.

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All ENB photos are free to use with attribution. For the Bonn Climate Change Conference 2024, please use: Photo by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth.
