The Ordinary and Extraordinary Meetings of the COPs to the Basel Convention (BC), Rotterdam Convention (RC) and Stockholm Convention (SC) convened for a twelfth and final day on Friday, 10 May 2013.
During the morning, delegates convened in plenary to hear reports from the ministers on the outcomes of Thursday’s ministerial roundtables.
During the afternoon, participants convened in plenary to formally adopt outstanding decisions. Plenary was suspended at 7:00 pm to allow delegates to continue last minute negotiations on the preamble of the omnibus decision on synergies.
Contact groups also met throughout the day on Budget and Synergies and Technical Assistance and Financial Resources in an effort to complete their work.
7:10 pm - delegates will return to plenary at 8:30 pm to discuss outstanding matters: budget; compliance; the omnibus decision on synergies; and the date and venue of the next COPs.
9:37 pm - plenary reconvenes focusing on date and venue of next meeting.
10:57 pm - SC COP6 President Alvarez proposes a take-it-or-leave-it compromise package to establish compliance mechanisms for the Stockholm and Rotterdam conventions, and delegates take a 30-minute break to read the text and consult.
11:34 pm - compliance "take-it-or-leave-it" text rejected.
11:50pm - SC COP6 closed.
11:51pm - RC COP6 closed.
11:58pm - BC COP11 and ExCOPs closed. |