The Ordinary and Extraordinary Meetings of the COPs to the Basel Convention (BC), Rotterdam Convention (RC) and Stockholm Convention (SC) convened for a sixth day on Friday, 3 May 2013. Delegates met throughout the day in plenary, considering issues remaining under SC COP6 and then moving onto issues under BC COP11.
During the morning, SC COP6 adopted decisions on reporting, exemptions, effectiveness evaluation, implementation plans, and measures to reduce or eliminate releases from unintentional production.
Delegates then turned their attention to the BC COP11 agenda, focusing on technical guidelines and the Indonesian-Swiss Country-led Initiative to improve the effectiveness of the BC.
During the afternoon plenary session, participants discussed environmentally-sound dismantling of ships, and the operations and work programme of the BC Open-Ended Working Group.
Contact groups continued on Compliance and Legal Matters, Budget and Synergies, and Technical Assistance and Financial Resources, and new contact groups were convened on Strategic Matters and Technical Matters. |