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Eleventh  session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for an International Legally Binding Instrument for the Application of the Prior Informed Consent Procedure (PIC) for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade (INC-11)

Geneva, Switzerland; 18 September 2004

First meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade

Geneva, Switzerland; 20 - 24  September 2004


 Earth Negotiations Bulletin - ENB
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Daily Web coverage
 Wed 22

 Fri 24 &



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Highlights for Wednesday, 22 September 2004

Delegates met in a Committee of the Whole (COW) in the morning and afternoon to continue deliberations on, among others: establishment of the Chemical Review Committee (CRC); technical assistance; and cooperation with the World Trade Organization (WTO). A contact group on the budget and a Legal Drafting Group (LDG) met in the morning and afternoon. Above photo: Niek van der Graaff, Joint Executive Secretary (FAO), in consultation with Secretariat staff (from L-R: Peter Lallas, Gerald Wyrwal and Sheila Logan). 



Contact Group Chair Alistair McGlone
(UK), announced that the group had completed its work on the chemicals added to Annex III (Chemicals Subject to the PIC Procedure) by COP-1. He noted progressed made on financial rules.

ETHIOPIA explained he had received clarification regarding the concerns he had expressed Tuesday and withdrew his reservation. Above photo: Dessaiegne Mesfin (Ethiopia)


Lorenzo González Videla (Argentina), Chair of the contact group on establishment of the CRC, presented a conference room paper reflecting the modifications arising from the group’s discussion.

AUSTRALIA withdrew his reservation to using the five UN regions for assigning membership, and said that his concern over geographic representation could be overcome by taking the 34 members option and adding one representative to each region.  Above photo: David Atkinson (Australia)

JORDAN emphasized that agreement had been reached and stressed his unwillingness to renegotiate. Above photo: Hussein Shahin (Jordan)

The RUSSIAN FEDERATION and UKRAINE asked that Eastern European States be assigned one additional seat on the Committee. Above photo L-R: Boris Kuryandskiy (Russian Federation) and Yuriy Kundiev (Ukraine).


CANADA introduced a revised draft decision on cooperation between the Secretariat and the WTO. Above photo: John Mundy (Canada)

VENEZUELA requested that the decision be modified to include information on the basis for cooperation. Above photo: Alfredo Azpúrua (Venezuela)


ITALY announced his country’s intention, in the event of the Secretariat being located in Geneva and Rome, to launch an overseas development aid process aimed at identifying obstacles to implementation faced by developing countries. Above photo: Paolo Ducci (Italy)

URUGUAY proposed the inclusion of text in the EC’s draft decision referring to the Regional Centers and Regional Coordinating Centers of the Basel Convention.

NEW ZEALAND proposed the inclusion of a reference to waste management in order to make a clear link to the Basel Convention. Above photo: Nik Kiddle (New Zealand)

TANZANIA supported reference to the establishment of poison centers and occupational health and safety centers. 

This service was prepared in cooperation with the Rotterdam Convention Secretariat


INC-11 and COP-1 documents
UNEP Chemicals Unit
ENB coverage of INC-10
ENB coverage of meetings regarding chemicals management
ENB Brief Introduction to the Rotterdam PIC Convention 
Chrysotile Institute
The International Ban Asbestos Secretariat
Rotterdam Convention

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