United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali
3-14 December 2007
Bali, Indonesia |
Highlights from Wednesday, 5 December: Post-2012 issues dominate day's agenda |
In the morning and afternoon, the COP/MOP convened in plenary to consider issues relating to the CDM, joint implementation (JI), the second review of the Protocol under Article 9, the compliance committee, and various other matters. SBI took up agenda items on reporting and review of information submitted by Annex I parties to the Protocol, capacity building, Protocol Article 3.14 (adverse effects), the International Transaction Log, and compliance. Contact groups convened on the Adaptation Fund, reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countries, long-term cooperative action under the Convention, technology transfer, and the AWG's work programme and timetable.
Photo: Youth activists conveying their message outside the convention center. |
CDM Executive Board Chair Hans Jürgen Stehr, Kai-Uwe Schmidt, Secretariat,
Halldor Thorgeirsson, Secretariat, and Richard Kinley, Secretary of the COP. |
CDM Executive Board Chair Hans Jürgen Stehr (left) presented the annual report of the CDM Executive Board. |
Dad Mohammad Bheer, Afghanistan (left), and Benin (right) intervening on the Clean Development Mechanism and the report of the CDM Executive Board. |
Paola Bettelli, Colombia (right), intervening on the Clean Development Mechanism. CDM Executive Board Chair Stehr with COP Secretary Richard Kinley. |
Plenary was packed during the morning discussions on the CDM (left). Delegates from Angola during plenary (right). |
Joint Implementation
Supervisory Committee
(JISC) Chair Fatou Ndeye Gaye, Gambia (left). |
The COP/MOP addressed the second review of the Protocol under Article 9 during its morning meeting. Photo left to right: Claudio Forner and Henning Wuester, Secretariat, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer, and COP President Rachmat Witoelar |
Portugal, on behalf of the EU (left), and Ian Fry, Tuvalu (right), intervening on the review of the Protocol. |
The Russian Federation (left) outlined its proposal, which consists of both Convention and Kyoto "tracks." Michael Zammit Cutajar, Malta, who chaired the workshop on the Russian proposal during SB 26, reports on the workshop deliberations (right). |
Tobias Münchmeyer, speaking for Climate Action Network (left), praised the proposal, but added that Annex B parties must not backtrack on quantified commitments. COP President Witoelar and Richard Kinley, COP Secretary |
A view of the COP/MOP plenary (left). Compliance Committee Co-Chair Raul Estrada Oyela, Argentina (right), presents the report of the Compliance Committee. |
Contact Group:
Adaptation Fund |
Co-Chairs Osita Anaedu, Nigeria, and Jukka Uosukainen, Finland (left). |
Delegates from the G-77/China during the contact group. |
Josef Buys, Belgium, speaks with the Co-Chairs Anaedu and Uosukainen(left). A delegate keeping her cool during the contact group meeting (right). |
Contact Group: Reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countries: approaches to stimulate action |
Contact group Co-Chairs Hernan Carlino, Argentina, and Audun Rosland, Norway. |
Jim Penman (second from right), UK, speaks for the EU on REDD. |
Contact Group: Long-term cooperative action |
Contact group Co-Chair Howard Bamsey (left) said the objective of the contact group was not to reach agreement on the substance of long-term cooperation, but to reach agreement on how to cooperate. |
Co-Chair Bamsey speaking with the delegate from Japan (left). A room with two views (right). |
Contact Group: AWG work programme and timetable |
AWG Vice-Chair Outi Berghäll, Finland, AWG Chair Leon Charles, Grenada, and Henning Wuester, Secretariat. |
Contact Group: Technology Transfer |
Contact group Co-Chair Shimada receiving instructions on his cellular phone from SBSTA Chair
Kishan Kumarsingh
on how to proceed given the demands of G-77/China to forward text from SBSTA's contact group on technology transfer to SBI's contact group on technology transfer.
Wednesday's Climate Action Network press Conference |
Indonesian NGOs call for "Climate Justice Now" (left). Emil Salim, Special Envoy of the President of Indonesia, being interviewed by the press (right).
Balinese dancers perform for REDD: One of Indonesia's most renowned and avant-garde choreographers, I Nyoman Sura, leads 25 Balinese dancers in a performance advocating the importance of conserving tropical forests in the fight against climate change. |
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- Montreal
Protocol MOP19, 16-21 September 2007, Montreal, Canada
- Vienna
Climate Change Talks - AWG4 and Dialogue 4,
27-31 August 2007
- ENB coverage of the UN General Assembly's Informal Thematic Debate, 31 July–2 August 2007, New York
Working Group 3 and IPCC-26, 30 April-4 May 2007, Bangkok, Thailand
Asian Regional Workshop on Adaptation, 11-13 April 2007, Beijing, China
Working Group 2, 2-5 April 2007, Brussels, Belgium
Joint Seminar on Technology Transfer in Asia, New Delhi, 7-8 March 2007, New Delhi, India
- Second
International Workshop on Community Based Adaptation to Climate,
24-28 February 2007, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Working Group I, 29 January-1 February 2007, Paris, France
COP12, 6-17 November 2006, Nairobi, Kenya
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