Monday, 5 May, 2008
CSD-16 Chair Francis Nhema, Minister of Environment and Tourism (Zimbabwe), urged delegates to address thematic issues in an integrated matter.
Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, said the world food crisis threatens to unravel gains and exacerbate poverty and malnutrition.
Christopher Flavin (Worldwatch Institute) discussed the 2008 State of the World report.
Kathleen Abdalla, Officer in Charge (Division for Sustainable Development) presented the Secretary-General's overview of progress towards sustainable development.
John Ashe (Antigua and Barbuda, for the G-77/China) suggested renewed and urgent efforts to enhance the implementation of Agenda 21 and the JPOI.
Marta Hrustel Majcen (Slovenia, for the EU) said the CSD adds value by reviewing and analyzing aspects of sustainable development.
Angus Friday (Grenada, on behalf of AOSIS) said a decrease in ODA levels is affecting SIDS.
Hjálmar Hannesson (Iceland) reported on the High-Level Round Table on International Cooperation for Sustainable Development in Caribbean SIDS, held in March 2008 in Barbados.
Mahe Tupouniua (Tonga, on behalf of the Pacific SIDS) urged development partners to implement commitments in the Monterrey Consensus.
John Matuszak (United States) emphasized scientific research and education, mechanisms to exchange information between scientists and decision makers, and an enabling environment that establishes the tools and incentives to develop markets sustainably.
Hamid Al-Bayati (Iraq, on behalf of the Arab Group) called for new and additional financial resources and removal of restrictions on technology transfer to developing countries.
François Pythoud (Switzerland) emphasized the need to enhance the weight of the CSD within the UN institutional framework, and to consolidate its interactions with ECOSOC.
Delegates heard statements from nine representatives of Major Groups, including Tom Goldtooth (Indigenous Peoples), Elisabeth Gauffin (Farmers) and Kristen Sukalac (Business and Industry).
Thematic Discussions: Agriculture
Melanie Suntizo-Sandoval (Guatemala) chaired the discussion.
Djibouti, on behalf of the African Group, drew attention to the commitment of African leaders to allocate funding to agricultural development.
Javad Amin-Mansour (Iran) called for providing special assistance to farmers, and said genetically modified seeds can be harmful.
Barbados, for AOSIS, highlighted the need to recognize the economic and environmental vulnerabilities of SIDS.
Lourdes Cruz (Mexico) highlighted the need to address distribution of incomes.
Scientific and Technological Community highlighted the benefits of improved technology for farmers.
Joanna Hewitt (Australia) announced its contribution of an additional US$30 million to the World Food Programme Emergency Appeal
Regional Discussions: Africa
CSD-16 Chair Francis Nhema (Zimbabwe) chaired the session.
Luc Gnacadja, Executive Secretary, UNCCD, called for more attention to people living in Africa's drylands.
Djamel Echirk (Algeria) urged the designation of 2010-2020 the international decade to fight desertification.
Senegal called for an integrated approach in addressing the underlying causes of poverty and food insecurity in Africa.
Regional Discussions: Western Asia
Abdul Aziz Al-Sharea (Syria) presented an in-depth perspective on drought and desertification in the Arab states.
Saudi Arabia referred to recent initiatives, such as the Riyadh Declaration on an emergency Arab program for food security.
Carol Chouchani Cherfane (Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia) gave a presentation on ongoing initiatives such as employment creation and improved marketing standards for small producers.
Side Events
A lunchtime side event organized by the Maryknoll Sisters presented success stories about sustainable community farming in Zambia, Mexico and Zimbabwe.
UN-HABITAT organized an evening side event on "Gendering Land Tools: From Policy to Practice."
The Baha'i International Community organized an evening side event on "The Ethical Dimensions of Climate Change: Implications for Africa's Rural and Agricultural Development."
Around CSD-16