Friday, 9 May, 2008
Thematic Discussion: Africa
The morning session on Africa, chaired by CSD-16 Chair Francis Nhema (Zimbabwe), featured panelists Ogunlade Davidson (University of Sierra Leone), Mohamed El-Sioufi (UN-HABITAT), Luigi Cabrini (UNWTO) and Peter Holmgren (FAO). Panelists and participants discussed development of transportation, energy and information techology infrastructure, sustainable tourism, climate change, and protecting and managing the natural resource base: forests, biodiversity, water, drought and desertification.
Luigi Cabrini (UN-World Tourism Organization).
Mohamed El-Sioufi (UN-HABITAT).
Ogunlade Davidson (University of Sierra Leone).
The Scientific and Technological Community.
Slovenia, for the EU.
The afternoon session featured panelists Julie Howard (Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa), Peter Hartmann (IITA), Robert Richardson (Michigan State University) and Akinwumi Adesina (Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa). Panelists and participants discussed agricultural potential in Africa, the role of agricultural research and development and extension services, regional integration, international development cooperation, investing in Africa, and land, rural credit availability and gender equity.
Julie Howard (Partnership to cut hunger and poverty in Africa).
Akinwumi Adesina (Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa).
Robert Richardson (Michigan State University).
Baya Bensmail (Algeria).
Patience Mayaki (Children and Youth).
Thematic Discussion: Inter-linkages and all cross-cutting issues.
The morning session on linkages and cross-cutting issues, chaired by CSD-16 Vice-Chair Melanie Santizo-Sandoval (Guatemala), featured panelists Peter McPherson (Former administrator USAID), Cleophas Migiro (Cleaner Production Center of Tanzania), Mona Elisabeth Brøther (Ambassador, MFA, Norway) and Nadine Gouzée (Belgian Federal Planning Bureau). Panelists and participants discussed the social, economic and environmental dimensions of the thematic issues and their inter-linkages, as well as national, regional and global characteristics, and how coherence, consistence and implementation can be enhanced.
Mona Elisabeth Brøther (Norway)
Nadine Gouzée (Belgian Federal Planning Bureau).
Peter McPherson (Former administrator, USAID)
Vicnin Pannirselvam (Children and Youth).
Paolo Soprano (Italy).
Rachel McCormick (Canada).
The afternoon session on linkages and cross-cutting issues featured panelists Mazlan Othman (Director, UN Office for Outer Space Affairs) and Pedro Sanchez (The Earth Institute). Panelists and participants discussed international cooperation in developing, deploying and disseminating new and innovative technologies, and other issues that help achieve multiple impacts and objectives, including means of implementation.
Pedro Sanchez (Columbia University).
Mazlan Othman (Director, UN Office for Outer Space Affairs).
Mmampei Mabusela (South Africa).
Dialogue with Major Groups and Partnerships Initiatives
The dialogue with Major Groups and representatives of partnerships initiatives focused on the role of Major Groups and of implementing partners in promoting action in relation to the thematic cluster.
Indigenous Peoples.
John Matuszak (United States).
Kristen Downs (Children and Youth)
Annik Dollacker (Business and Industry).
Amanda Luxande (REEEP).
Side Events
UNCCD held a morning Learning Centre session on "Linking Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change - Processes, Policies and Actions."
Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade held a lunchtime side event on national reporting to the CSD, presenting lessons learned to improve future reporting.
Women Environmental Programme and Global Land Tool Network held a lunchtime side event on land for sustainable urbanization in Africa.
Citizens Network for Sustainable Development and ENERGIA organized an evening side event on biofuels, food security and rural development.
Around CSD-16
Participants passed information tables in the "neck" while walking between sessions.
Andrey Vavilov (Earth Negotiations Bulletin) with Sergey Kononuchenko and Oleg Shamanov (Russian Federation).
Mona Brøther, Cleophas Migiro and Vice-Chair Santizo-Sandoval before their panel.
Thailand's "New Theory" information table.
Youth delegates edited statements on their laptops in the corridor.
The Vienna Café
This little café is "where the real discussions take place," according to some participants.