Seventh Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests
United Nations Headquarters, New York | 16-27 April 2007
UNFF: All Working Groups, All Day
On Thursday, 19 April, the Seventh Session of the United Nations Forum
on Forests (UNFF7) convened at UN Headquarters in New York to discuss
the non-legally binding instrument (NLBI) on all types of forests, and
the Multi-Year Programme of Work (MYPOW) for the period 2007-2015.
Delegates convened in two working groups throughout the day: Working
Group I discussed the NLBI composite draft text, and Working
Group II discussed the MYPOW draft text.
Above: Delegates conferred during the working group on the MYPOW.
Thursday, 19 April
Working Group I (NLBI)
Working Group I addressed matters in the NLBI composite draft text
including national measures, international trade in forest products,
and the facilitative process for national implementation.
Kathryn Youel Page, US, opposed reference to "a mutually supportive
relationship between trade and environment."
Jitendra Vir Sharma, India suggested promoting "good business practices"
for private-public partnerships, rather than "criteria and indicators."
Juan Felipe Rengifo, Colombia, requested deleting reference to forest
owners and the private sector developing certification schemes.
On facilitating legal trade, Mara Angélica Murillo Correa, Mexico,
suggested that measures applicable to trade should not compromise SFM.
Bashir Ahmed Wani, Pakistan, urged cooperation on valuation of forest
products and services.
Norway suggested specifying that national efforts be based on priorities
in national development plans.
Ecuador called for information and communication technologies to be used
to achieve the global objectives.
Bangladesh noted the unique needs of low-lying delta countries.
Chile recommended reverting to agreed language on addressing illegal
forest-related practices and associated trade.
Working Group II (MYPOW)
Delegates in Working Group II addressed the structure of future sessions,
themes, and potential cross-cutting issues using a suggested matrix
outlining the 2007-2015 proposed work programme.
Abdellah Benmellouk, Morocco, for the African Group, said main themes
should be based on Global Objectives, the NLBI, and the IPF/IFF Proposals
for Action.
Cinthia Soto, Costa Rica, supported inclusion of reference to the
Millenium Development Goals.
Gustavo Ainchil, Argentina, suggested a separate matrix section for
Global Objectives and NLBI implementation and review.
Australia proposed that nature-based tourism be removed from UNFF10.
Jürgen Blaser, Switzerland, cautioned against a "shopping list" of
themes and called for focusing on select key areas.
Modesto Fernández, Cuba, said means of implementation should be a
central theme during UNFF8, where proposals could be analyzed in depth.
Around the Forum
The World Bank Program on Forests (PROFOR) held a lunchtime side event
to provide information on its forthcoming Forests Sourcebook.
Related Links
United Nations Forum on Forests
Provisional Agenda
Related IISD Coverage of Forest Meetings
18th Session of the FAO Committee on
Forestry, 13-16 March 2007, Rome
CLI in Support of the UNFF:
Multi-Year Programme of Work, 13-16 February 2007, Bali
UNFF Ad hoc
Expert Group Meeting, 11-15 December 2006, New York
Sixth Session of the
UN Forum on Forests (UNFF-6), 13-24 February 2006, New York
CLI in Support of the UNFF:
Scoping a Future Agreement on Forests, 16-18 November 2005, Berlin
Fifth Session of the
UN Forum on Forests (UNFF-5), 16-27 May 2005, New York
CLI in Support of the UNFF:
Future International Arrangement on Forests, 25-28 January 2005,
Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting (AHEG-PARAM)
7-10 September 2004, New York
Fourth Session of the
UN Forum on Forests (UNFF-4), 3-14 May 2004, Geneva
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