Delegates took crucial decisions on its work plan for seventh assessment cycle, including on the products and timelines for its outputs. Deliberations illuminated diverging views and priorities, and what might have been a straightforward agenda setting exercise evolved into fraught deliberations that ran all night Friday and well into Saturday morning.
Final report
Summary report 16–19 January 2024
All coverage
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has begun the work of its seventh assessment cycle as of 2024. This cycle is led by Chair Jim Skea (United Kingdom), who was elected during IPCC-59 in July 2023. In his address to that meeting, Skea stated he would prioritize “improving inclusiveness and diversity, shielding [the] scientific integrity and policy relevance of IPCC assessment reports, and making effective use of the best available science on climate change.” This cycle is expected to conclude around 2030, by which time the window for action to limit global warming to 1.5°C will likely have closed.
During this meeting, the IPCC discussed lessons learned from the sixth assessment cycle, considered the Chair’s vision for the seventh cycle, and discussed options for the programme of work. The Panel heard progress reports from the three Working Groups, the Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, and the Gender Action Team.
Other items on the agenda included the IPCC Trust Fund Programme and budget for the years 2023-2026, the report of the IPCC conflict of interest committee, matters related to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and other international bodies, and matters related to other IPCC activities, including publications and translations, the IPCC Scholarship Programme, and the Task Group on Data Support for Climate Change Assessments.
Established in 1988, the IPCC is made up of 195 governments that are members of the United Nations or the World Meteorological Organization. The Panel provides governments with scientific information that can be used to create climate policies and provides input into multilateral climate change negotiations. Since its inception, the Panel has prepared a series of comprehensive assessment reports and special reports that provide scientific information on climate change to the international community. Its reports are based on the work of thousands of experts who volunteer as IPCC authors. The sixth assessment report, which was accepted in March 2023, summarizes the state of knowledge on climate change, its impacts and risks, and possibilities for adaptation and mitigation. This summary report can be found here.
IPCC-60 convened in Istanbul, Türkiye, from 16-19 January 2024.
The Earth Negotiations Bulletin writers for this meeting were Jessica Templeton, Ph.D.; María Gutiérrez, Ph.D; and Moritz Petersmann. The Digital Editor was Anastasia Rodopoulou. The Editor was Pamela Chasek, Ph.D.
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17th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-17)
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22nd Session of the IPCC (IPCC-22)
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8th Session of the IPCC Working Group III (WGIII) and 24th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-24)
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25th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-25)
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10th Session of the IPCC Working Group I (WGI)
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8th Session of IPCC Working Group II (WGII)
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9th Session of IPCC Working Group III (WGIII) and 26th Session of IPCC (IPCC-26)
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27th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-27)
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28th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-28)
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29th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-29)
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30th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-30)
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31st Session of the IPCC (IPCC-31)
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32nd Session of the IPCC (IPCC-32)
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33rd Session of the IPCC (IPCC-33)
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34th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-34)
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35th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-35)
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12th Session of IPCC Working Group I (WGI) and 36th session of the IPCC (IPCC-36)
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37th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-37)
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10th Session of the IPCC Working Group II and 38th session of the IPCC (IPCC-38)
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12th Session of the IPCC Working Group III and 39th session of the IPCC (IPCC-39)
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40th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-40)
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41st Session of the IPCC (IPCC-41)
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42nd Session of the IPCC (IPCC-42)
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43rd Session of the IPCC (IPCC-43)
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44th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-44)
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45th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-45)
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46th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-46)
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47th Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-47)
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48th Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-48)
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49th Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-49)
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50th Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-50)
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51st Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-51)
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52nd Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-52)
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53rd bis Session of the IPCC (IPCC-53 bis)
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54th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-54) and 14th Session of the Working Group I (WG I-14)
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55th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-55) and 12th Session of Working Group II (WGII-12)
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56th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-56) and 14th Session of Working Group III (WGIII-14)
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57th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-57)
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58th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-58)
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59th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-59)
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60th Session of the IPCC (IPCC-60)
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61st Session of the IPCC (IPCC-61)
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