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Meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions

4-15 May 2015 | Geneva, Switzerland

Highlights for Tuesday, 12 May 2015

ENB Meeting Coverage

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A delegate enters the CICG venue to participate in the BRS COPs

BRS | BC COP-12 | RC COP-7 | SC COP-7 The meetings of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm (BRS) Conferences of the Parties (COPs) continued on Tuesday, 12 May 2015. In the morning, plenary heard reports from the contact groups before continuing with the agenda of the Rotterdam Convention (RC), including rules of procedure for the COP, non-compliance, and consideration of chemicals for inclusion in Annex III. In the afternoon, the Basel Convention (BC) COP reconvened to address matters related to the implementation of the convention and to adopt the meeting report.

Contact groups met throughout the day and into the night on: BC technical matters, BC legal matters, BC strategic matters, technical assistance and financial resources, budget, RC non-compliance and RC listing of chemicals.

Delegates were also invited to attend side events on a range of issues, including: “A Rapid Response Assessment. Waste Crime - Waste Risks: Gaps in meeting the global waste challenge”; “Paraquat: New insights on risks and alternatives”; “UNECE tools and good practices for preventing industrial accidents, especially those with transboundary consequences”; and the launch of “Gender Heroes: from grassroots to global action.”

IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Meeting Coverage, provided daily web coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis from the Meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (BRS COP), in HTML and PDF.

Morning Session

View of the dais during the morning session

Mohammed Khashashneh, Jordan, Rotterdam
Convention COP7 President

Magda Gosk, Poland, Co-Chair of Contact Group
on Technical Matters

Jane Stratford, UK, Co-Chair of Contact Group on Cooperation and Coordination

Luis Espinosa, Ecuador, Co-Chair of Contact Group on Technical Assistance and Financial Resources

Reginald Hernaus, the Netherlands, Co-Chair of Contact Group on Programme of Work and Budget

Angela Rivera, Colombia, Co-Chair of Contact Group on Strategic Issues under the Basel Convention (BC)

Anne Daniel, Canada, Co-Chair of Contact Group on Basel Convention (BC)
Legal Matters

Gillian Guthrie, Jamaica, Co-Chair of Contact Group on Non-Compliance under the Rotterdam Convention (RC)

Luca Arnold, Switzerland

Khidir Gibril Musa, Sudan

Narynbek Myrsaliev, Kyrgyzstan

Humphrey Mapuranga, Zimbabwe

Xia Yingxian, China

Natalia Kostenko, Russian Federation

Fredrick Mupoti Sikabongo, Namibia

Irma Tskvitinidze, Georgia

José Rodrigo Vielman, Guatemala

Fida'a Ali Al Rawabdeh, Jordan

Shashi Shekhar, India

Björn Hansen, speaking on behalf of the EU

Contact Groups

Contact Group on Basel Convention (BC) Technical Matters

Contact Group on Basel Convention (BC) Legal Matters

Contact Group on Non-Compliance under the Rotterdam Convention (RC)

Contact Group on the Listing of Chemicals under the Rotterdam Convention (RC)

Afternoon Session

Delegates gather for the afternoon plenary

Andrzej Jagusiewicz, Poland, Basel Convention COP12 President

David Ogden, BRS Conventions Secretariat

Yaser Khalil Abu Shanab, Palestine

Gordana Petkovic, Serbia

Mark Trewhitt, CropLife International; and Allan Jones, World Chlorine Council

Side events throughout the day

Launching event: UNEP and GRID-Arendal launch their rapid response assessment "Waste Crime - Waste Risks: Gaps in meeting the global waste challenge." Panel (L-R): Nancy Isarin, Ambiendura; Rolph Payet, Executive Secretary, Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm (BRS) Conventions Secretariat; Christian Nellemann, Rapid Response Unit, GRID Arendal; Elizabeth Mrema, Director, Division of Environmental Law and Conventions, UNEP; and Runa Opdal Kerr, Norsk Gjenvinning Norge AS

Launching event "Gender Heroes: from grassroots to global action" organized by the Secretariat of the
Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions

Around the Venue

Delegates from the Caribbean

Christine Fuell, FAO, speaks informally with delegates

UNEP Chemicals Secretariat at the BRS COPs

UNEP Chemicals Secretariat at the BRS COPs, joined by Elizabeth Mrema, Director, Division of Environmental Law and Conventions, UNEP, and Jacob Duer, UNEP Chemicals Branch (center)

Daily ENB CoverageAbout | 4 May | 5 May | 6 May | 7 May | 8 May | 9 May | 11 May | 12 May | 13 May | 14 May | 15 May | Summary