UPDATE: At 3:46 am, the BRS Conventions COPs closed.
UPDATE: At 3:02 am, the joint sessions of the COPs reconvenes to discuss the budget.
UPDATE: At 1:59 am, the Basel Convention COP adopts the Programme of the Open-Ended Working Group. At 2:00 am, the Basel Convention COP suspends and parties wait for the budget before reconvening the joint session of the COPs.
UPDATE: At 1:24 am, Rotterdam Convention COP7 is unable to achieve consensus to list trichlorfon in Rotterdam Convention Annex III, as one country opposes adoption of the decision. Further consideration of this issue will be deferred to COP8.
UPDATE: At 1:19 am, Basel Convention COP discusses the Work Programme of the Open-ended Working Group, before suspending the COP.
UPDATE: At 00:48 am, Basel Convention COP12 adopts technical guidelines on e-waste.
UPDATE: At 00:00 am, The BRS COPs lose interpretation and continue working in English. Basel Convention COP12 discussions of e-waste technical guidelines continue in plenary.
UPDATE: At 11:45 pm, Stockholm Convention COP7 suspended; Basel Convention COP12 resumes with discussion of e-waste technical guidelines.
UPDATE: At 11:11 pm, Stockholm Convention COP7 votes to list PCP and its salts and esters in Annex A, with 90 in favor, 2 against, and 8 abstaining.
UPDATE: At 10:47 pm, following a single country’s objections to listing PCP in Annex A of the Stockholm Convention, Switzerland calls for a vote. Delegates vote on whether to take a vote on listing.
UPDATE: At 8:52 pm plenary resumed with consideration of compliance and listing of chemicals under the Rotterdam Convention. COP7 agreed to defer consideration of fenthion and paraquat to COP8.
The Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm (BRS) COPs convened on Friday, 15 May for its final day. In the morning, all three conventions convened separately and adopted several decisions on technical assistance and financial resources. A joint session of the three COPs also convened and adopted decisions on credentials and other items. Plenary then suspended at 11:38 am to allow parties time to consult in contact groups on compliance and budget and in informal consultations on other outstanding issues.
In the afternoon, each convention and the joint session of the three COPs again convened at 4:10 pm. Delegates to the Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions discussed the listing of chemicals. The Basel Convention COP considered the e-waste technical guidelines. Plenary was suspended at 5:58 pm to allow time for further consultations.