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Meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions

4-15 May 2015 | Geneva, Switzerland

Highlights for Wednesday, 6 May 2015

ENB Meeting Coverage

Curtain Raiser
4 May
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Daily ENB CoverageAbout | 4 May | 5 May | 6 May | 7 May | 8 May | 9 May
11 May | 12 May | 13 May | 14 May | 15 May | Summary

The Geneva, Swiss and UN flags fly outside the CICG venue

BRS | BC COP-12 | RC COP-7 | SC COP-7 The meetings of the Conferences of the Parties (COPs) to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions reconvened on Wednesday, 6 May 2015 for the third day. In the morning, delegates heard reports from the contact groups on technical assistance and financial resources; coordination and cooperation; technical matters; and non-compliance in the Rotterdam Convention (RC).

The Stockholm Convention (SC) COP convened in plenary throughout the day, addressing matters related to implementation of the convention, including the listing of chemicals in Annex A, B or C, and measures to reduce or eliminate releases from intentional production and use.

Contact groups also met throughout the day to address issues including technical assistance and financial resources; technical matters; listing of chemicals; budget; RC non-compliance; and cooperation and coordination.

IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Meeting Coverage, provided daily web coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis from the Meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (BRS COP), in HTML and PDF.

Morning Session

View of the dais during the morning session

Johanna Lissinger Peitz, Sweden, Stockholm Convention COP7 President

Jane Stratford, UK, Co-Chair of Contact Group on Cooperation and Coordination

Gregor Filyk, Canada, Co-Chair of Contact Group on Technical Assistance and Financial Resources

Karel Blaha, Czech Republic, Co-Chair of Contact Group on Non-Compliance under the Rotterdam Convention (RC)

Prakash Kowlesser, Mauritius, Co-Chair of Contact Group on Basel Convention (BC) Technical Matters

Elizabeth Mrema, Director, Division of Environmental Law and Conventions, UNEP

Kyunghee Choi, Republic of Korea

R.N. Jindal, India

Tamara Kukharchyk, Belarus

Josue Carrasco Valiente, Peru

Sunee Piyapanpong, Thailand

Glenn Wigley, New Zealand

Trine Celius, Norway

Pavel Shirokov, Russian Federation

Contact Group on Technical Assistance and Financial Resources

Contact Group on Listing of Chemicals under the Stockholm Convention

Afternoon Session

Delegates gather in plenary for the afternoon session

Amina Beibitova, Kazakhstan

Scott Drewes, US

Sam Adu-Kumi, Ghana

Melissa Mengjiao Wang, Greenpeace

Mariann Lloyd-Smith, International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN)

Emmanuel Temu, World Health Organization (WHO)

Hubert Binga, Gabon

Fagamou Sy Diop, Senegal

Nthabiseng Malefane, South Africa

Around the Venue

Moustafa Hussein Kamel Ahmed, Egypt, stands with Mohammed Khashashneh, Jordan, Rotterdam Convention COP7 President

Daily ENB CoverageAbout | 4 May | 5 May | 6 May | 7 May | 8 May | 9 May | 11 May | 12 May | 13 May | 14 May | 15 May | Summary