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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Ninth Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
Milan, Italy, 1- 12 Dec., 2003 

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Wednesday, 10 December

COP-9 delegates gathered together in Plenary this morning for the opening of the High-level Segment. Two SBI contact groups also met: progress on the implementation of activities under decision 5/CP.7 and the Special Climate Change Fund.

In the afternoon in Plenary a round-table discussion among ministers and other heads of delegation is scheduled from 3p.m. to 6 p.m.

  • Click here for a full text report on today's events

Yuriko Koike (Japan), Co-Chair of today's High-level segment round-table discussion

(Coverage of UNFCCC COP-9 side events)

President Miklós Persányi


During the High-level segment this morning, delegates heard opening speeches as well as statements from the heads of United Nations bodies and specialized agencies. This was followed by statements from intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.
Watch the Secretariat's webcast of the morning's High-level segment

Listen to:

José Antonio Ocampo, UN Under-Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs



Left to right: Joke Waller-Hunter, Executive Secretary, UNFCCC; Miklós Persányi, COP 9 President; Klaus Töpfer, Executive Director, UNEP

Rajendra Pachauri, IPCC Chair
Lisa Jacobson, Business Council for Sustainable Energy



Marcial Arias Garcia, Indigenous Peoples

Nafisa Goga D’Souza, World Council of Churches

John Drexhage, International Institute for Sustainable Development



Juhani Santaholma, ICC

Kiyotaka Akasaka, OECD

The High-level Segment Plenary this morning

Alexey Kokorin (WWF) making a speech during this morning's Plenary

table No. 1: "Climate change, adaptation, mitigation and sustainable development"

Watch the Secretariat's webcast of the round-table discussion, which took place from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. this afternoon.

Yuriko Koike (Japan), Co-Chair of the High-level segment round-table discussion



Tadashi Lometo (Marshal Islands) Co-Chair of the High-level segment round-table discussion

The round-table Plenary this afternoon

Thalikottai Rajuthevar Baalu, Ministry of Environment and Forests, India



Peter Hodgson, Minister of Energy and Forestry, New Zealand, making a statement during the afternoon round-table discussion

Francisco Mabjala, Deputy Minister for Coordination of Environmental Affairs

Members of the G77/China huddle before the SCCF contact group meeting

Contact group on the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF)

Deliberations on the SCCF continued throughout the day and into the night. Delegates were unable to reach agreement on several issues, including references to the MDGs and economic diversification. The contact group Co-Chairs decided to forward the draft decision with bracketed text to the SBI for further consideration.

Special Climate Fund Co-Chairs Rawleston Moore, Barbados (far left), and Frode Neergaard, Denmark (3rd from left)

Delegate from the EU participating in the SCCF contact group meeting



José Romero, facilitator of the consultations on matters relating to LDCs with SBI Chair Stoycheva and the Secretariat, discussing proposed amendments to the conclusions on assessing the status of implementation of UNFCCC Article 4.9


The SBI convened in the late evening and worked until the early hours of the morning to try to finalize its work. Draft decisions forwarded to the COP include: Consideration of the fifth compilation and synthesis of initial national communications; financial mechanisms (SCCF); report of the GEF and additional guidance to the GEF.

Conclusions adopted include: work of the CGE on non-Annex I national communications; provision of financial and technical support; implementation of UNFCCC Article 4.8 and 4.9.

Watch the Secretariat's webcast of this event.

SBI Delegates huddle before the meeting

The SBI elected Fadhel Lari (Kuwait) as SBI Vice-Chair for a second term. The SBI Rapporteur will be elected at SBI-20.

Regarding submission of second, and where appropriate, third national communications: Chair Stoycheva said that no substantial conclusions had been reached, and SBI adopted conclusions agreeing to continue consideration of this item at SBI-20.

Launching of the UNFCCC Spanish Website:
Watch the secratariat's webcast of this event. Link to the Spanish Portal:

Martha Perdomo (Secretariat); Juan del Álamo Jiménez, Secretary General, Ministry of Environment (Spain); Ronald de la Cruz (Secretariat); Janos Pasztor (Secretariat)

Participants watch the presentation of the launching of the UNFCCC Spanish website

IMPLEMENTATION OF DECISION 5/CP.7: Following informal consultations late Tuesday night, Parties agreed to add a paragraph to the draft conclusions inviting Parties and relevant international organizations to report on activities to meet the needs of developing countries arising from the adverse effects of climate change in support of decision 5/CP.7.

This service was prepared in cooperation with the Climate Change Secretariat

Links to further information:  

*The UNFCCC COP-9 official site

*The UNFCCC Secretariat web site

*ENB coverage of SB-18 (Bonn)

*ENB summary of UNFCCC COP-8 (New Delhi)

*Linkage's Coverage (audio and photos) of UNFCCC COP-8


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