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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Ninth Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
Milan, Italy, 1- 12 Dec., 2003 

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of today's photos




Friday, 5 December

Today, COP-9 delegates continued to convene in contact and informal groups, including: the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; national communications from non-Annex I Parties; research and systematic observation; a draft decision on Annex I national communications; capacity-building; among others.

  • Click here to read a full text report on today's events

(Coverage of UNFCCC COP-9 side events)

Michael Zammit Cutajar (Malta), Co-Chair of the contact group on a draft decision on Annex I national communications

Mohamed Al Sabban (Saudi Arabia) called on the Chair to prepare text that excludes a draft COP decision




Contact Group on the Third Assessment Report (TAR) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

This group continued to debate the need for a COP decision and a workshop to identify themes and issues to be addressed by the SBSTA.

TAR and SBSTA Chair Halldór Thorgeirsson (Iceland)

Delegates from the Syrian Arab Republic




Contact group on National Communications from Non-Annex I Parties

This contact group continued considering SBI draft conclusions on the Compilation and Synthesis report, as well as the work of the CGE.


Contact group on National Communications from Non-Annex I Parties

This contact group continued considering SBI draft conclusions on the Compilation and Synthesis report, as well as the work of the CGE.

Delegate from Brazil




Graham Sem (Secretariat)

Sok Appadu, contact group Chair

Contact group Co-Chair Sue Barrell (Australia)




Contact Group on Research and Systematic Observation

In this contact group, Parties considered a revised draft decision and conclusions, and discussed guidance to the GEF.

Contact group Co-Chair Philip Gwage (Uganda)

Raul Estrada (Argentina) commented on the Co-Chairs' draft decision




Contact Group on a Draft Decision
on Annex I national communications

This group discussed the Co-Chairs' draft decision on Annex I national communications. Informal consultations will be held Monday, 8 December.


Jose Ovalle (Chile) Co-Chair


The G77/China meets every morning and afternoon during the COP to prepare positions and statements for the day's deliberations

Participants at this morning's daily G77/China meeting

Above Left: Mohamed Arrouchi (Morocco)

Contact Group on Capacity Building

This group discussed the need for a workshop on capacity building in developing countries, and Parties' submissions.

On right, above: Dechen Tsering (Bhutan), capacity building contact group Chair

International Energy Agency Exhibit at COP-9

The Information Point at COP-9

This service was prepared in cooperation with the Climate Change Secretariat

Links to further information:  

*The UNFCCC COP-9 official site

*The UNFCCC Secretariat web site

*ENB coverage of SB-18 (Bonn)

*ENB summary of UNFCCC COP-8 (New Delhi)

*Linkage's Coverage (audio and photos) of UNFCCC COP-8


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