CSD Chair
Juan Mayr outlines the generalities of the CSD's
accomplishments over the past year, outlines the agenda for CSD-8,
and congratulates the Vice-Chair on his appointment.
Nitin Desai, Undersecretary General for Economic and Social
Affairs refocusses attention to 4 primary aspects of the CSD :
(a) Land & Agriculture; (b) Finance; (c) the Intergovernmental
Forum on Forests (IFF); and (d) preparations for the Rio+10
meeting of UNCED in 2002.
Vice-Chairs Patrick McDonnell (Ireland) and Choi Seok-young
(Republic of Korea) reported on the results of the Ad Hoc
Intersessional Working Groups
Intersessional Meetings related to CSD-8 |
Don Grant, Surveyor General, Australia (right) reported on
workshops conducted to address to
better define relationships between land administration and
resource management. Some issues considered for the future land
admin systems, dynamic humankind relationships, tenure land
administration, and re-engineering administrative systems.
For further information, visit the
Declaration Position
Papers Discussion Program at www.geom.unimelb.edu.au/UNConf99
Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Agriculture
from the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Choices in agricultural production
techniques, consumption patterns and safety regulations: potential
threats to sustainable agriculture |
Radha Ranganathan (Germany)
represented Industry interests by underscoring the
involvement of all stakeholders as crucial to success, and that
industry stands ready as a cooperative partner.
Netty Wiebe (Canada) of the Canadian
National Farmers Union represented Farmer interests by
describing how millions of peasants and small scale farmers around
the world are not only essential to the world's feed, but the
world's sustainable agriculture. She underscored the
necessity for equitable land reforms, a reorientation of perspective
towards the centrality of farming in world economies, and the
dangers of commercial interests as they pertained to the
proliferation of genetically modified organisms. |
Mr. Lois Anderson, General
Secretary of the Inter-American Regional Organization of Workers
represented Trade Unions. Anderson urged the CSD to
keep this dialogue as broad as possible to stay in keeping with
Agenda 21, while keeping the under-represented interests of
often-exploited farm labourers in mind.
Thomas Forster, Co-Director,
International Partners for Sustainable Agriculture represented NGOs
and called for an Ad Hoc Multi-stakeholder group to focus
attention on social, gender, ecological issues. Among several
recommendations was the request for the CSD to support the
transition from industrial agriculture to sustainable agriculture,
calling for the elimination of pesticides (POPs)and a moratorium
based on the precautionary principle as outlined in the recently
adopted Cartagena Protocol. |
Bolivia, speaking on behalf of the G-77/China,
gave a developing country perspective
Brinkhorst, Minister of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries,
the Netherlands (right) gave a developed country perspective |
Greenpeace USA :
consumers need more access and transparency in the process of
food production because the labeling of GMOs has been insufficient
thus far.
Prof M.D. Nanjundaswamy of
the Karnataka Farmers' Movement : until
academics/scientists come to some kind of agreement or uniform
opinion, there should be a moratorium on the use of GMO seeds.
Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Best practices in land resource
management to achieve sustainable food cycles |
Summary of Ad Hoc Open-ended Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Energy
and Sustainable Development
CSD page
- CSD website with official
"Introduction to CSD"